
<p>Tigers in the Bronx Zoo (Photo:CBN New York)</p>

Tigers in the Bronx Zoo (Photo:CBN New York)

【看CP學英文】美國紐約市內的布朗克斯動物園( Bronx Zoo )日前傳出一頭年輕的雌性馬來獅納迪亞( Nadia )新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19 )篩檢呈陽性,確診感染,成為第一個確診的老虎。今日,動物園方面證實其他 4 隻老虎和 3 隻非洲獅病毒篩檢也呈現陽性,園區內共 8 隻大貓感染病毒。

Following the world’s first COVID-19 infection of a tiger, Nadia, a few weeks ago, the New York City Bronx Zoo has reported that 4 more tigers and 3 lions have now also tested positive for the virus, bringing the tally of infected cats to 8.

據《 CBN New York 》報導,動物園方表示,自從本月初進行初步篩檢後,這些大貓的已經康復,活動力、食慾都恢復正常,且咳嗽的症狀大幅減輕,園方認為,這些大貓應該是被無症狀的員工所傳染。

According to CBN New York, zoo officials have revealed that since the infection was confirmed earlier this month, the big cats have now all recovered their strength and have gotten their appetites back.

Their coughing symptoms have also lessened, and zoo staff believe the animals contracted the virus from an asymptomatic worker.

紐約市野生動物保護協會( Wildlife Conservation Society )表示,其他四個動物園採取了防疫措施,確保沒有其他暴露於 COVID-19 的威脅。

New York City’s Wildlife Conservation Society announced that four other zoos now have virus-prevention measures in place to eliminate all possible COVID-19 threats.

野生動物保護協會在聲明中表示,這八隻大貓的恢復良好,後來確診的 4 頭老虎也包括納迪亞同住的姐妹阿祖爾( Azul ),之前出現咳嗽症狀的鄰居們,包括 2 頭東北虎、 3 頭非洲獅也確診。所幸,園區內其他大型貓科動物,美洲虎、獵豹,花豹等健康狀況良好。

According to the WCS, all eight cats are in recovery and doing well. The 4 recently infected tigers include Nadia’s sister, Azul, and their neighbors who previously showed coughing symptoms.

Nadia and Azul (Photo/NY Post)
Nadia and Azul (Photo/NY Post)


The zoo said that Nadia had been tranquilized before being swabbed for the virus through her nasal cavity, throat and respiratory tract. The other animals were tested through samples of their excrement.

Meanwhile, an asymptomatic tiger recently tested positive for the coronavirus, making it the first “asymptomatic infected tiger.”

The zoo assures the public that all the tests were performed in a veterinarian lab, and therefore did not take up human-testing resources.

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