
<p>The Dakeng Trails is a perfect way for you to get lost in the woods and relax during this short weekend. (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)</p>

The Dakeng Trails is a perfect way for you to get lost in the woods and relax during this short weekend. (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)

【看CP學英文】根據Taipei Walker報導,接近中秋節的假日,由於需要補班補課,僅存一天的假日不如就前往有著「台中陽明山」的美譽的大坑風景區。位於風景區內的大坑步道,因為散步在區域內,確保你可以一邊防疫,一邊透透氣、散散心。

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, many have to have an extra “make-up” day at work on Saturday. With only one weekend day left, why not spend it at the Dakeng Scenic Area, also known as the “Taichung Yangminshan.”

The Dakeng trails are a perfect place for you to take a nice, relaxing walk while also maintaining adequate social distance with other hikers during the pandemic.


The Dakeng trails are scattered on the east and west sides of the scenic area and are numbered in order from one to ten.

There are also two side-trails, 5-1 and 9-1, which are divided into three levels according to the climbing difficulty: parent-child level, leisure level, and fitness level.

The Dakeng trails are scattered on the east and west sides of the scenic area and are numbered in order from 1 to 10. (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)
The Dakeng trails are scattered on the east and west sides of the scenic area and are numbered in order from 1 to 10. (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)


Trails 1 to 4 on the east side have steeper terrain and are marked for more advanced hikers. Trails 2 and 4, which have large gradient differences, are the most challenging.


Trail No. 2 has two sections of the 60-degree Hao-Han slope (好漢坡), which requires pulling a rope and stepping on a ladder, while Trail No. 4 has a 300-meter-long vertical steep slope, both of which test visitors’ physical endurance.


Although the footpath is difficult, the view from the top is also extremely beautiful.


Trails 5, 5-1, and 10, which have gentle slopes and moderate elevations. Both are at the “leisure level,” but can still be quite difficult for novice hikers.

南北向的5 號、5-1號步道,沿著二嵙山及頭嵙山山稜而行,途中設置多處視野良好的涼亭與展望台,可俯瞰台中市區美景、遠眺大肚台地。

The north-to-south trails No. 5 and No. 5-1 follow the ridges of Er-Shih Mountain (二嵙山) and Tou-Shih Mountain (頭嵙山). There are many pavilions and observation decks with a good view of Taichung City and the Dadu Mesa (大肚台地).

There are many pavilions and observation decks with a good view of Taichung City and the Dadu Mesa (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)
There are many pavilions and observation decks with a good view of Taichung City and the Dadu Mesa (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)


Trails No. 6 to No. 9 on the west side is the flattest terrain for parents and children.
There is also a parking lot located conveniently near Trail No. 9 making it one of the most popular trails for the public.

With plenty of greenery and a peaceful environment along the way, the whole family can fully enjoy the fresh mountain atmosphere.

With plenty of greenery and a peaceful environment along the way, the whole family can fully enjoy the fresh mountain atmosphere. (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)
With plenty of greenery and a peaceful environment along the way, the whole family can fully enjoy the fresh mountain atmosphere. (Photo courtesy of Taipei Walker)


The Dakeng Trail, which is not far from the city, can be reached within a short drive.

However, since the trails are often repaired, it is recommended to check if they are open before going there so that you can enjoy a trip to the mountains full of abundant fentanyl.

大坑登山步道 | Dakeng Mountain Trail

地址 | How to get there:台中市北屯區大坑風景區 | Dakeng Scenic Area, Beitun District, Taichung City

電話 | Phone:(04)2228-9111(台中市風景區管理所)| (04) 2228-9111 (Taichung City Scenic Area Administrator)

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