老外也瘋日環食! 觀賞「上帝戒指」必知事項

<p>天文界大盛事「日環食」又俗稱「天狗食日」,將在6月21日夏至當天登場|An annular solar eclipse will occur across the Tropic of Cancer on June 21, and it will be visible from nine of Taiwan’s cities and counties. (Shutterstock)</p>

天文界大盛事「日環食」又俗稱「天狗食日」,將在6月21日夏至當天登場|An annular solar eclipse will occur across the Tropic of Cancer on June 21, and it will be visible from nine of Taiwan’s cities and counties. (Shutterstock)


An annular solar eclipse will occur across the Tropic of Cancer on Monday, June 21, and it will be visible from nine of Taiwan’s cities and counties. This rare phenomenon will take place again in 195 years.

A solar eclipse occurs when the next time the Moon revolves in between the Sun and the Earth and forms a straight line that blocks out most of the Sun, thus creating a “Ring of Fire.”


If you are an expat living in Taiwan, don’t miss this one-of-the-life-time event! This exceptional eclipse is set to unfold slowly from 2:44 p.m. until 5:26 p.m.


This rare event can be seen from Kinmen County, the northern part of Penghu County, the Southern part of Yunlin County, Chiayi County and City, the north part of Tainan and Kaohsiung, Taitung County, as well as Hualien County.

千萬別錯過這次難得一見的天文盛事,日環食奇景將於6月21日下午2時44分開始,至下午5時26分結束,約歷時2小時又42分鐘。| This exceptional eclipse is set to unfold slowly from 2:44 p.m. until 5:26 p.m. (Courtesy of Taipei Astronomical Museum)
千萬別錯過這次難得一見的天文盛事,日環食奇景將於6月21日下午2時44分開始,至下午5時26分結束,約歷時2小時又42分鐘。| This exceptional eclipse is set to unfold slowly from 2:44 p.m. until 5:26 p.m. (Courtesy of Taipei Astronomical Museum)
天文界大盛事「日環食」又俗稱「天狗食日」,將在6月21日夏至當天登場|An annular solar eclipse will occur across the Tropic of Cancer on June 21, and it will be visible from nine of Taiwan’s cities and counties. (Courtesy of pxhere)
天文界大盛事「日環食」又俗稱「天狗食日」,將在6月21日夏至當天登場|An annular solar eclipse will occur across the Tropic of Cancer on June 21, and it will be visible from nine of Taiwan’s cities and counties. (Courtesy of pxhere)


Remember that you should never look directly at the Sun without proper eye protection. You can seriously hurt your eyes and even go blind.


Another method of viewing is through the use of pinhole camera images. You can project the Sun on a white screen or a piece of paper if you have binoculars or a telescope.


If you do not have a telescope, you can prepare a box and a piece of cardboard, drill a small hole with a needle tip on the top of the box, lay a piece of white cardboard on the bottom of the box.

While you observe the solar eclipse, you should point the hole at the Sun and the image of the Sun will be projected on the bottom of the box.


By using special-purpose solar filters, you’ll be able to filter out much of the sunlight until only 0.00001 of it is visible. However, it is recommended that each viewing should not exceed 1 minute using this method.

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