不想錯過! 日本小學生自己辦線上畢業典禮

<p>日本推特網友(@backyennew)日前PO出照片,目前就讀小學的兒子和朋友們在線上舉辦的虛擬畢業典禮。| A Japanese Twitter user (@backyennew) posted images, showing the virtual graduation that his elementary-school son had held with his friends. (Courtesy of Twitter/@backyennew)</p>

日本推特網友(@backyennew)日前PO出照片,目前就讀小學的兒子和朋友們在線上舉辦的虛擬畢業典禮。| A Japanese Twitter user (@backyennew) posted images, showing the virtual graduation that his elementary-school son had held with his friends. (Courtesy of Twitter/@backyennew)


Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, schools in Japan have been closed for two weeks until after the spring break.


Japan’s graduation ceremonies are set in March, which means that elementary, junior high and high schools students will miss their once-in-a-lifetime celebrations this year. It’s absolutely a bummer for Japanese students.


Yet, a Japanese elementary school student came up with a brilliant idea — Why not we hold a graduation ceremony in a digital place? We all can meet in “Minecraft.”


A Japanese Twitter user (@backyennew) posted images, showing the virtual graduation that his elementary-school son had held with his friends.

日本推特網友(@backyennew)日前PO出照片,目前就讀小學的兒子和朋友們在線上舉辦的虛擬畢業典禮。| A Japanese Twitter user (@backyennew) posted images, showing the virtual graduation that his elementary-school son had held with his friends. (Courtesy of Twitter/@backyennew)
日本推特網友(@backyennew)日前PO出照片,目前就讀小學的兒子和朋友們在線上舉辦的虛擬畢業典禮。| A Japanese Twitter user (@backyennew) posted images, showing the virtual graduation that his elementary-school son had held with his friends. (Courtesy of Twitter/@backyennew)


What’s impressive is that this project was not set up by teachers or a faculty. Instead, the students decided to create it by themselves.


In response to the post, netizens commented, “Parents are doing ‘telework’ and kids are doing ‘telegraduation,’” one said, “I’m so jealous of what awesome things kids have these days.” Another said “Those who say video games are bad, look at this!” Others said, “This will probably be an even better memory than regular graduation for them.”

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