供電醫院與避難處 英再捐烏克蘭287台發電機


KRAMATORSK, UKRAINE - APRIL 29: A Ukrainian Army artillery man called Roman is treated for shell shock, as medical units treat wounded soldiers from frontlines of the northern Donbas as Russia steps up its offensive with what officers say is a near-constant Russian bombardment with heavy artillery, rockets and air strikes, along the 300-mile frontline, at a medical facility in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, on April 29, 2022. This is one of a number of medical stabilization centers that are the first stop for Ukraine's frontline wounded, which for tough cases are sent for surgery and other procedures to hospitals in Dnipro and other cities far from the front. Russian-backed separatists started a rebellion in 2014, resulting in an 8-year war with Ukrainian forces. After Russia's recent military withdrawal from positions around Kyiv, one front of a three-pronged Russian military invasion that began on February 24, Russia has now launched what it calls Phase Two of its offensive, by focusing on the Donbas and its effort to cut off the Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Luhansk from the rest of Ukraine. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Getty Images)
英國政府7日表示,除先前已捐出的569台發電機外,將再向烏克蘭提供287台移動式發電機,為烏克蘭醫療機構與避難處提供電力。(資料照/Getty Images)

路透社報導,英國商業、能源及產業策略部(Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)發聲明說,新捐出的發電機足以為近8000戶民宅供電,在烏東持續遭到戰火摧殘時,將用在醫院、避難處等必要服務上。




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