

倫敦大學(University of London)完全否認在尋找論文紙本的過程中,該校任何教職員有錯誤或欺騙行為。所有受理蔡英文論文查詢事宜的人員,都以最誠信的方式來處理

倫敦大學也在聲明最後附上蔡英文論文查詢網址,可查到「Tsai Ing-wen」博士論文Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions》(不公平貿易行為和安全防衛措施的電子檔。


University of London statement on missing thesis

Dr Tsai Ing-wen, who is now the President of Taiwan, was awarded a PhD in February 1984 following the submission and examination of her thesis by two examiners. While it remains unclear whether copies were deposited with the University’s library, that has no bearing on Dr Tsai’s PhD, which was correctly awarded.

The University categorically denies any allegations of wrongdoing or falsehood made against any member of staff in relation to the search for copies of this thesis. All University of London staff who have handled enquiries related to this thesis have done so with the utmost integrity.

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