南迴秘境車站即將開放 揭開台東傳說「黃金隧道」

<p>Golden tunnel(Courtesy of IG/@chien_lan)</p>

Golden tunnel(Courtesy of IG/@chien_lan)


Taiwan has many one-of-a-kind railway stations featuring breathtaking landscapes, such as Duoliang and Badouzi Railway station. Many of them have even become the top tourist destinations.

Well, you may not know that Guzhuang Signal Railway station, situated in Dawu Township, Taitung, features a photo-worthy scene called the “Golden tunnel.” The small station has been closed for three years due to its low use rate.

However, the good news is that the mysterious station is expected to reopen soon and probably become the next top travel destination.

<span>古莊車站</span>|<span>Guzhuang station </span>(Courtesy of IG/@yoray4227)
古莊車站Guzhuang station (Courtesy of IG/@yoray4227)


Located at the southernmost tip of Taitung, Guzhuang station is the first stop of the southern link line, which links the Pingtung and Taitung county.

But, why it’s called the “Golden Tunnel?” The station has one tunnel on each side and both tunnels are less than 100 meters in length.

With such a short length, when a train is approaching and going through the tunnel, you will see the train’s headlight lighten the dark tunnel, creating a dreamy scene.

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