
<p>台南市最大親水公園<br />
「河樂廣場The Spring」於今年三月開幕 | “The Spring,” opened in March this year in Tainan. (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)</p>

「河樂廣場The Spring」於今年三月開幕 | “The Spring,” opened in March this year in Tainan. (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)

【看CP學英文】繼年初被富比世評論為全球七大令人期待的公園,今年3月開幕的台南市「河樂廣場The Spring」近日再被英國建築評論Rowan Moore選為2020世界五大最棒建築,登上《衛報》版面。

Following praises from Forbes magazine, “The Spring,” which opened in March this year in southern Taiwan, was recently selected by British architecture critic Rowan Moore as one of the top five best projects in the world in 2020.

The park was featured in an article written by the critic in The Guardian on Sunday.

河樂廣場登上《衛報》版面。| The park was featured in an article written by the architecture critic in The Guardian. (Screenshot from The Guardian website)
河樂廣場登上《衛報》版面。| The park was featured in an article written by the architecture critic in The Guardian. (Screenshot from The Guardian website)

根據《衛報》週日報導, Rowan Moore 選出2020年全球五座最棒建築,包括英國金斯頓大學 (Kingston University) 內新建的教學大樓Town House、比利時哈瑟爾特美術館Z33、台南河樂廣場、英國倫敦南部錫德納姆的一棟私人住宅Mountain View、以及位在倫敦展示英國藝術家Zoe Zenghelis作品的展覽空間。

According to the article, Rowan Moore’s five best architectures in the world for 2020 — Town House, Kingston University, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, Tainan Spring, Taiwan, Mountain View, Sydenham and Zoe Zenghelis, London.

台南市最大親水公園「河樂廣場The Spring」於今年三月開幕 | “The Spring,” opened in March this year in Tainan. (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)
台南市最大親水公園「河樂廣場The Spring」於今年三月開幕 | “The Spring,” opened in March this year in Tainan. (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)

Rowan Moore 目前擔任英國《觀察家報》的建築評論家,曾入選為2014年英國新聞獎(British Press Award) 年度評論家,同時也是暢銷書 Slow Burn City 、 Why We Build 的作者。

Rowan Moore is an architecture critic of the Observer and was named Critic of the Year at the UK press awards 2014. He is the author of “Slow Burn City” and “Why We Build.”

針對入圍五大最佳建築的台南河樂廣場, Rowan Moore 介紹道,「由前購物中心改造成的親水花園,景緻會隨著四季更迭 – 下雨時水量增加,天氣熱時,水霧瀰漫。」

To introduce the new park in southern Taiwan, Rowan Moore wrote that “The ruins of a shopping mall made into a water garden that changes with the seasons — more water when it’s rainy, vapor mists when it’s hot.”

The night scene of “The Spring.” (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)
The night scene of “The Spring.” (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)

由荷蘭建築團隊MVRDV操刀,與台灣設計公司合作,配合台南市政府計畫「府城軸帶」,將老舊的中國城拆除,改造為「河樂廣場The Spring」。

Designed by MVRDV, a Dutch architecture company, and a Taiwanese design company under Tainan’s urban renewal plan, the park is located within the city center at the former location of the Tainan Chinatown.


“The Spring” river park covers 1.54 hectares. It is the biggest river park in Tainan city, offering a water playground for kids among some remains of the former Chinatown, which was built in 1981.

園內提供親子戲水空間之外,還有建於1981年的中國城遺跡。 | It is the biggest river park in Tainan city, offering a water playground for kids among some remains of the former Chinatown, which was built in 1981. (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)
園內提供親子戲水空間之外,還有建於1981年的中國城遺跡。 | It is the biggest river park in Tainan city, offering a water playground for kids among some remains of the former Chinatown, which was built in 1981. (Courtesy of Tainan City Government)

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