史巴克 Leonard Nimoy 全宇宙都在對你說再見!

提到李奧納德·尼莫伊(Leonard Nimoy )這位影星大家一時無法了解,但如果看到題圖這位在影集《星際爭霸戰(Star Trek)》這位擁有完全理性智慧並蘊含人類感情的大副史巴克,絕對不會陌生。除了星際爭霸戰外,Leonard Nimoy 也在由JJ亞伯拉罕導演的電影版《星際爭霸戰(Star Trek)》擔任老年史巴克,也是《變形金剛 3》擔任御天至尊(Sentinel Prime)的配音員。

現在本尊史巴克要和大家說再見了,從歐巴馬開始、NASA、科技網站 Mashable、紐約時報到衛報,全世界都一起跟你道別說再見,我們不說什麼,今天就練習雙指張開紀念史巴克吧:

"Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy." —President Obama #RIPLeonardNimoy #LLAP pic.twitter.com/sX6yvK5eLA

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 27, 2015

RIP Leonard Nimoy. So many of us at NASA were inspired by Star Trek. Boldly go... http://t.co/qpeH5BTzQc pic.twitter.com/nMmFMKYv1L

— NASA (@NASA) February 27, 2015

This pic from 1967’s Mariner V launch says it all about what Nimoy means to us at NASA. #LLAP pic.twitter.com/W1molKRjMP

— Bobak Ferdowsi (@tweetsoutloud) February 27, 2015

In tribute: Leonard Nimoy #Spock pic.twitter.com/x7Y06Y5Fg2

— Andy Marlette (@AndyMarlette) February 27, 2015

Leonard Nimoy sent a telegram to JFK in 1962, urging him to rethink nuclear space tests. http://t.co/dwRK4pXcee pic.twitter.com/wPjT1xaBzg

— Mashable (@mashable) February 27, 2015

"Girls All Want To Touch The Ears" - Leonard Nimoy in The Times of 1968. http://t.co/JDsjhuPTyv pic.twitter.com/GYd5H5ldz1

— NYT Archives (@NYTArchives) February 27, 2015

He lived long and prospered RIP #LeonardNimoy. A great actor and Veteran http://t.co/9OD8t2LoLP #MrSpock pic.twitter.com/1Nd6xdMUKz

— U.S. Army Reserve (@USArmyReserve) February 27, 2015

RIP @TheRealNimoy who fought for equal pay for Nichelle "Uhura" Nichols src= http://t.co/ogAquigfJr pic.twitter.com/xBd0dD0HuH via @hypatiadotca

— Ryan Merkley (@ryanmerkley) February 27, 2015

Leonard Nimoy with his dachshund. http://t.co/PWZvMWV72w pic.twitter.com/wwou1Dcnof

— This Is Not Porn (@thisisnotp0rn) February 27, 2015

my heart is broken. i love you profoundly my dear friend. and i will miss you everyday. may flights… https://t.co/WPJmt1X4ox

— Zachary Quinto (@ZacharyQuinto) February 27, 2015

#LLAP RIP to the best First Officer. @TheRealNimoy

— Jonathan Frakes (@jonathansfrakes) February 27, 2015

My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien -Leonard Nimoy

— Smithsonian Magazine (@SmithsonianMag) February 27, 2015

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy: http://t.co/bD0GBvyrcz #LLAP pic.twitter.com/c6PeC0qadt

— someecards (@someecards) February 27, 2015

Listen Without Prejudice // [Leonard Nimoy] You are not alone: http://t.co/K2HcIF0eIS

— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) February 27, 2015

@DCpierson pic.twitter.com/37lNTZHdDx

— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) February 27, 2015

I hope you find all the answers Mr. Nimoy. https://t.co/4u147oIL2S

— TravisStevens (@TravisStevens) February 27, 2015

Favorite Nimoy fact: He directed "3 Men and a Baby" pic.twitter.com/LUiTzh5rpG

— Meredith Frost (@MeredithFrost) February 27, 2015

"I didn't want to let it go. I thought— This is who I am." Nimoy on ditching the Boston accent. http://t.co/MroDwLy1Oa

— Abbie Ruzicka (@AbbieRuzicka) February 27, 2015


— Tiny Cartridge (@tinycartridge) February 27, 2015

Simon Pegg once told me that he didn't feel like he was really working on STAR TREK until he showed up to the set and Nimoy was there.

— Norm Wilner (@normwilner) February 27, 2015

"I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humor, his talent, and his capacity to love." -William Shatner http://t.co/U8ZN98tVYp

— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) February 27, 2015

My friend and colleague Leonard Nimoy passed today. A true legend, and a wonderful human being. Sadly missed.

— john noble (@thejohnnoble) February 27, 2015

My friend @Lauzirika posted this on Facebook AND IT MADE ME CRY pic.twitter.com/5mR0USKQwt

— Devin Faraci (@devincf) February 27, 2015

Great 1952 photo of Leonard Nimoy from @latimes archives (his 1st mention) Full coverage here: http://t.co/42KJHYMVIb pic.twitter.com/2XFgTNl5xj

— Megan Garvey (@garveylatimes) February 27, 2015

Star Trek was once a secret shame. My thoughts on the great Leonard Nimoy for The @Guardian. http://t.co/gJqcNTiX1h

— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) February 27, 2015

I lost two childhood heroes this week. Here's what Leonard Nimoy and his most famous character meant to me. http://t.co/xDgiC0GDYG

— David Shiffman (@WhySharksMatter) February 27, 2015

One of Nimoy's greatest performances was one of the most obscure http://t.co/AwIsqCVLNv

— TIME.com (@TIME) February 27, 2015

RIP Leonard Nimoy :( https://t.co/ZCbOEgrkQB

— Tatiana Maslany (@tatianamaslany) February 27, 2015

Found my old book of Leonard Nimoy poetry! pic.twitter.com/frUB9M6j6R

— Tim Schafer (@TimOfLegend) February 27, 2015

This, too pic.twitter.com/6ycS6YMF0V

— Joss Whedon (@josswhedon) February 27, 2015

Leonard Nimoy brought us one of the greatest, noblest characters in the history of American storytelling. Someone find the Genesis planet.

— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) February 27, 2015

Rest in peace with the stars, my dear friend. pic.twitter.com/D2dVG6I9Xi

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) February 27, 2015

BLOG: Remembering Leonard Nimoy http://t.co/8LAAUuodVH

— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) February 27, 2015

What Philip K. Dick felt about Spock - & Leonard Nimoy.

And how we all kind of feel.

High praise.

#RIPLeonard pic.twitter.com/xFPcpDbW6P

— anothercultland (@anothercultland) February 27, 2015

"It takes a great deal of courage to turn your back on popularity and to go out on your own." — Leonard Nimoy in... http://t.co/oiMpFrwOmx

— Nancy Lynne Kanter (@_BeautyIsInside) February 27, 2015

Leonard Nimoy wrote a book of love poems: http://t.co/r9pgitdlZt pic.twitter.com/ZPZjOgBdUb

— Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) February 27, 2015

And now a little clip that helped me get through the day. Spirits raised.