國際終止婦女受暴日 以色列與婦援會同發聲起響應活動

駐臺北以色列經濟文化辦事處與婦女救援基金會於11月25日「國際終止婦女受暴日」,共同為拒絕女性受暴發聲。柯思畢代表、婦女救援基金會董事長葉德蘭、基金會執行長杜瑛秋帶領以色列辦事處及「阿嬤家-和平與女性人權館」的人員,一起戴上橘色口罩,為消除性別暴力而努力。 柯思畢代表說:「以色列和台灣在國際上為實現性別平等和增強婦女權利做出了很多努力,最重要是提高公眾對女性受暴議題的意識,以及根除這種暴力行為。」 婦女救援基金會執行長杜瑛秋表示:「婦援會很高興與以色列代表柯思畢一起響應國際性活動,婦援會長期以來一直致力性別暴力防治推動,「阿嬤家-和平與女性人權館」就是婦援會實踐性別暴力防治的教育基地。台灣疫情控制得不錯,對家庭暴力案件影響不似國外嚴重,但卻發現未經同意偷拍、偷錄性私密影像或未經同意散佈個人性私密影像,等數位性暴力案件和跟蹤騷擾案件卻越來越多,其受害者以女性占大多數,許多受害人缺乏足夠法律保障,每天生活在暴力威脅環境裡。希望可以透過此活動讓民眾和政府可以重視,看見被害人處境、伸出援手協助受害者、化身成為正義路人甲,拒絕成為暴力幫兇,同時政府可以盡快通過跟蹤騷擾防制法和侵害個人性私密影像防制條例,終止女性受暴。」 每年的11月25日是聯合國「國際終止婦女受暴日」,每年的這個時間都會展開為期16天的活動,在COVID-19疫情影響全世界情況下,今年的主題以「點亮橙色:募資、響應、預防、收集!」(Orange the World: Fund Respond Prevent Collect!)為主題,呼籲世界關注疫情下的性別暴力問題。 Israel with Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation take a stand against women’s violence On the occasion of the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” which will take place on 25.11 Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation and Ama Museum say NO to violence against women. Putting on orange masks Israel’s representative Omer Caspi Teresa Yeh Chair of Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation and CEO Tu Ying Chiu lead staff from ISECO and Ama Museum jointly spoke out on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. “Israel and Taiwan devote a lot of efforts to gender equality and the empowerment of women in the global arena. It is of outmost importance to increase the public awareness for the issue of violence against women and the need to eradicate it.” said Omer Caspi. (please insert quote by Ms. Yeh and Ms. Tu as well). November 25th is United Nations Official Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Under the impact of COVID-19 this year’s theme is ” Orange the World: Fund Respond Prevent Collect!” as the theme calling on the world to pay attention on the issue of gender violence.