大稻埕情人節延至29日登場 480秒煙火閃爆台北夜空

<p>The annual Dadaocheng fireworks will take place on August 29, featuring a 480-second firework display that will illuminate the sky over Taipei.(圖/台北市觀傳局|Courtesy of Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government)</p>

The annual Dadaocheng fireworks will take place on August 29, featuring a 480-second firework display that will illuminate the sky over Taipei.(圖/台北市觀傳局|Courtesy of Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government)

【看CP學英文】原訂 8 月 22 日舉辦的「 2020 大稻埕情人節」,因巴威颱風緊急宣布延期,台北市政府觀光傳播局今( 25 )日宣布 確定活動將於 8 月 29 日登場, 480 秒愛你愛你煙火秀強力放閃,照亮整個台北夜空。

Originally scheduled on Aug. 22, Taipei Valentine’s Day was later postponed due to Typhoon Bavi. The Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government announced on Tuesday that the event will take place on August 29, featuring a 480-second-long firework display that will illuminate the sky over Taipei.

台北市政府觀光傳播局長劉奕霆表示, 22 日活動因颱風臨時喊卡,經過市府團隊緊急協商及審慎評估天氣後,確定活動延至 8 月 29 日同時間同地點登場,長達 480 秒的愛你愛你煙火秀不變,萬芳、艾怡良等重量級歌手 5 小時情歌接力演唱也沒變,周邊文創市集及胖卡美食略為調整,整體活動精彩度不變,依然充滿粉紅泡泡,邀請民眾帶著心愛的家人、朋友、情人來到現場,攜手共度專屬彼此浪漫的夜晚。

The Commissioner of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government, Liu Yi-teng (劉奕霆) said that the event was put off because of the typhoon.

After an urgent discussion and assessment by the City Government, Taipei Valentine’s Day will be delayed to Aug. 29 and the event schedule and activities remain unaltered, including a romantic firework display that will last for 480 seconds and a 5-hour pop concert with A-list singers such as Wanfang (萬芳) and Eve Ai (艾怡良).

Although there will be some minor adjustments to the creative product markets and the “puncar” food trucks, the event will be nevertheless splendid. People are welcome to attend Taipei Valentine’s Day with family, friends and loved ones.

觀傳局提醒,為因應活動人潮, 8 月 29 日活動當天實施水門及市區交通管制,自 8 月 29 日上午 6 時起淡水河 1 號到 6 號水門管制車輛通行,下午 6 時起活動周邊市區道路實施交管,部分公車改道及站位取消停靠, 8 月 28 日 10 時堤外停車場及相關道路停車格淨空,民眾要多加注意。活動當天現場無提供車位,會場接近捷運北門站、中山站、雙連站、大橋頭站,建議民眾搭乘大眾運輸工具前往參加活動。

The Commissioner of the Department of Information and Tourism reminded the public that traffic control will be implemented on August 29 around the watergate and downtown areas.

Vehicles are prohibited to enter No.1 to No.6 watergate along the Tamsui River from 6 a.m, August 29. Traffic control will be applied to the surrounding area from 6 p.m and some bus routes will change accordingly.

Please keep in mind that the parking lots in the riverbank area will be closed from 10 a.m August 28. There will be no parking spot available on the day of the event, so it is highly recommended to take the MRT.

此外,第三波活動「夜來越美麗」還有最夯的約會景點及 IG 美照打卡點,即日起至 9 月 20 日在永樂廣場浪漫登場,每天 18:00-22:00 亮燈,幸福燈飾讓民眾好拍、好玩、好甜蜜。

In addition, the public is also welcome to visit Yongle Plaza(永樂廣場) for #InstaWorthy photos. The venue opens from 6 to 10 p.m every day until Sep. 20.

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