川普造勢遇襲濺血 王定宇發中、英文慰問:譴責任何形式的政治暴力

民進黨立委王定宇。 廖瑞祥攝
民進黨立委王定宇。 廖瑞祥攝

前美國總統、準共和黨總統候選人川普(Donald Trump)在美國時間13日(台灣時間14日)在賓夕法尼亞州巴特勒(Butler)舉行造勢活動時遭遇槍擊,右耳被擊中,維安特勤人員並迅速將其帶離場,畫面震驚全球。對此,立法院外交及國防委員會召委的民進黨委王定宇,今(7/14)稍早也發出中、英文版聲明關切川普傷勢,並祈願他能早日康復,同時譴責暴力行為。





Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was shot during a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13th. Ting-yu Wang, Chairman of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan's Foreign and National Defense Committee expressed his sincere concern for President Trump, wishing him a speedy recovery. Legislator Wang also strongly condemned any form of political violence and extended his deepest condolences to all the victims affected by this attack.

He affirmed, "We believe in the power of democracy to overcome all challenges. Taiwan stands in solidarity with the international community in supporting democracy and will continue to contribute positively to the world."

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