
<p>A seafood restaurant in Singapore received backlash online after posting photos of members of the staff walking their crabs to ensure their meat taste good. (Photo courtesy of House of Seafood/Facebook)</p>

A seafood restaurant in Singapore received backlash online after posting photos of members of the staff walking their crabs to ensure their meat taste good. (Photo courtesy of House of Seafood/Facebook)


A Singaporean seafood restaurant, House of Seafood, received a backlash on Facebook over the weekend after it shared pictures on Friday of the restaurant staff walking crabs that are meant for sale.


The pictures show the sea creatures leashed up and walking alongside pet dogs, with the caption: “We love our crabs, the same way as everyone loves their pets!”


“To make sure our crabs are really meaty that can satisfy every of our food patrons,” the post went on, “we would bring them out strolling along the breezy Punggol Beach, just to get enough exercises…cheers!”


The Singaporean restaurant took their crabs on a walk to make sure that the crab’s muscles don’t atrophy, which is when muscles wear away due to lack of activity.


However, this post incited a lot of negative comments from the Facebook community, with users calling the act a cruel and a bad attempt at marketing.

The post incited a lot of negative comments from the Facebook community, with users calling the act a cruel and a bad attempt at marketing. (Photo courtesy of House of Seafood/Facebook)
The post incited a lot of negative comments from the Facebook community, with users calling the act a cruel and a bad attempt at marketing. (Photo courtesy of House of Seafood/Facebook)


One social media user was furious and called it a “Tasteless marketing stunt.” Another was angry at the restaurant out for comparing the crabs to pets and said, “If you love your pets u won’t slaughter it, do not use it to compare with dogs.”


Many even called them out for their hypocritical caption, as they felt that the cruel act didn’t reflect the love they originally showed.

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