
<p>教堂式鐘樓外型星巴克在開幕前就引起話題,米色外觀搭配紅磚色屋頂 | As one of the most beautiful Starbucks outlets in Taiwan, it has caused a stir before its opening. (Courtesy of Starbucks)</p>

教堂式鐘樓外型星巴克在開幕前就引起話題,米色外觀搭配紅磚色屋頂 | As one of the most beautiful Starbucks outlets in Taiwan, it has caused a stir before its opening. (Courtesy of Starbucks)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】台中麗寶Outlet Mall二期於12月25日盛大開幕,以義大利北部避暑勝地「科莫湖」為原型的街道設計,Outlet內部則採挑高拱廊建築自然採光。除了Outlet主建築外,其中一大必看亮點就是全台唯一歐式鐘樓星巴克。

The second phase of Lihpao Outlet Mall in Taichung opened on Dec. 25, featuring a stunning interior design inspired by Lake Como — a summer resort in northern Italy — and modern classic architecture that values natural light. Another highlight of the new space is a new Starbucks under a European-style clock tower — the most beautiful Starbucks outlets in Taiwan.

除了Outlet主建築外,其中一大必看亮點就是全台唯一歐式鐘樓星巴克。| The coffee shop boasts the only European-style clock tower in Taiwan. (Courtesy of Starbucks)
除了Outlet主建築外,其中一大必看亮點就是全台唯一歐式鐘樓星巴克。| The coffee shop boasts the only European-style clock tower in Taiwan. (Courtesy of Starbucks)


As one of the most beautiful coffee shops in town, this Starbucks even caused an online stir before its opening. The exterior architecture of the building features a beige facade and red rooftops adorned with ornamental metal.

周邊屋緣還有鐵花造型點綴,典雅造型令人彷彿置身於歐洲。| The exterior architecture of the building features a beige facade and red rooftops adorned with ornamental metal. (Courtesy of Starbucks)
周邊屋緣還有鐵花造型點綴,典雅造型令人彷彿置身於歐洲。| The exterior architecture of the building features a beige facade and red rooftops adorned with ornamental metal. (Courtesy of Starbucks)


As for the interior design, the store boasts a high ceiling with decorative ceiling lamps, creating an expanded space for customers. Also, the arch-shaped French windows increase the amount of daylight in the building. What’s more? There are hand-painted and printed paintings hung on the wall so that you can not only enjoy your coffee in a European-style building but also appreciate the arts at the same time.

星巴克鐘樓內部天花板挑高十幾米,搭配造型吊燈,增加空間舒適感。| As for the interior design, the store boasts a high ceiling with decorative ceiling lamps, creating an expanded space for the customers. (Courtesy of Starbucks)
星巴克鐘樓內部天花板挑高十幾米,搭配造型吊燈,增加空間舒適感。| As for the interior design, the store boasts a high ceiling with decorative ceiling lamps, creating an expanded space for the customers. (Courtesy of Starbucks)
<span>另外,多個大片落地窗,拱形窗框設計讓陽光透入,牆面上還有多件手繪、印刷畫作,遊客可以在此品咖啡,欣賞藝術品。</span>| T<span>he installations of the arch-shaped French windows increase daylight in the building.</span> (Courtesy of Starbucks)
另外,多個大片落地窗,拱形窗框設計讓陽光透入,牆面上還有多件手繪、印刷畫作,遊客可以在此品咖啡,欣賞藝術品。| The installations of the arch-shaped French windows increase daylight in the building. (Courtesy of Starbucks)

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