機器人「愛達」登英國國會大談創意產業 期間卡卡被迫重開機



LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 11: Ai-Da Robot, the world's first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist, appears at a photo call in a committee room in the House of Lords on October 11, 2022 in London, England. AI-Da Robot will deliver her maiden speech to members of the Lords Communications and Digital Committee in the House of Lords. She explores the theme of whether creativity in the UK is under attack from technology and also the role of machine learning, machine creativity and Artificial Intelligence within the UK's creative industries. (Photo by Rob Pinney/Getty Images)
(Photo by Rob Pinney/Getty Images)

擁有一張女性人形臉龐和一雙裸露機械手臂的愛達,是由牛津大學(University of Oxford)科學家團隊所創造,並以英國數學和電腦工程先驅愛達.勒夫列斯(Ada Lovelace)的名字命名。

在上議院國會通訊與數位委員會舉辦的電視轉播會議中,愛達和「愛達」計畫負責人、藝廊業者梅勒(Aidan Meller)一起回答問題。被問及它的創作和人類創作不同之處,愛達表示:「我的確依賴電腦程序和演算,雖然我不是真人,我依然能創作藝術。」

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 11: Ai-Da Robot, the world's first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist, appears at a photo call in a committee room in the House of Lords on October 11, 2022 in London, England. AI-Da Robot will deliver her maiden speech to members of the Lords Communications and Digital Committee in the House of Lords. She explores the theme of whether creativity in the UK is under attack from technology and also the role of machine learning, machine creativity and Artificial Intelligence within the UK's creative industries. (Photo by Rob Pinney/Getty Images)
(Photo by Rob Pinney/Getty Images)




英國「衛報」(The Guardian)報導,在這次開創性的聽證會中,身為機器人的愛達在英國上議院委員會中「作證」,期間它照本宣科的把預先寫好腳本中的錯誤念了出來,費力聽懂提問,會議期間還必須重新開機。


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