母猩猩擺pose與巡邏員自拍 園方:這是牠們真實個性

剛果維加龍國家公園(Virunga National Park)反獵組織2名巡邏員馬蒂厄(Mathieu)與 派翠克(Patrick)日前在巡邏時,拿出手機與園區內收容的猩猩自拍,後頭的2隻母猩猩不僅眼看鏡頭,還擺出手插口袋像人一般的拍照姿勢,這名巡邏員將這張自拍照上傳後,引起許多民眾驚艷,紛紛討論起猩猩的模仿能力。

因為自拍姿勢而成為網紅的兩隻母猩猩Ndakazi與Ndeze,2007年開始被收容在維龍加國家公園(Virunga National Park)內的大猩猩孤兒院,根據《BBC》報導,維龍加國家公園副總監伊諾桑(Innocent Mburanumwe)表示,這兩隻母猩猩的母親在2007年被殺害,當時只有2至4個月大的牠們便被送到孤兒院,由飼養員照顧牠們,而牠們也出現模仿巡邏員的習慣。



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You might have recently seen caretakers Mathieu and Patrick’s amazing selfie with female orphaned gorillas Ndakazi and Ndeze inside the Senkwekwe center at Virunga National Park. We’ve received dozens of messages about the photo. YES, it’s real! Those gorilla gals are always acting cheeky so this was the perfect shot of their true personalities! Also, it’s no surprise to see these girls on their two feet either—most primates are comfortable walking upright (bipedalism) for short bursts of time. Guys, if you shared our gorilla selfie post, please share our Earth Day posts as well! Conserving Virunga’s amazing wildlife is a constant challenge for the Park and our work wouldn’t be possible without your support. Matching funds have been pledged on every donation to the Park today, up to a total of $25,000—giving us the opportunity to raise $50,000 for Virunga! Visit virunga.org/donate or click the link in our bio to get involved and keep sharing our posts! Thank you! *We want to emphasize that these gorillas are in an enclosed sanctuary for orphans to which they have lived since infancy. The caretakers at Senkwekwe take great care to not put the health of the gorillas in danger. These are exceptional circumstances in which the photo was taken. It is never permitted to approach a gorilla in the wild. #gorillaselfie #gorilla #mountaingorilla #mountaingorillaselfie #selfie #earthday #earthday2019 #virunga #virunganationalpark #congo #drcongo #rdc #drc #protecttheplanet #happyearthday #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #conservation #natureconservation

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