法國媒體的尋人啟事 台灣阿公你在哪裡 ?

<p>法國攝影師捕捉父女參與選前之夜狂喜瞬間|A photo taken by Jimmy Beunardeau at the DPP’s headquarter in Taipei on Jan. 10 (Courtesy of Facebook/Jimmy Beunardeau photographer)</p>

法國攝影師捕捉父女參與選前之夜狂喜瞬間|A photo taken by Jimmy Beunardeau at the DPP’s headquarter in Taipei on Jan. 10 (Courtesy of Facebook/Jimmy Beunardeau photographer)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】法籍攝影師Jimmy Beunardeau參加1月10日在台北民進黨總部舉辦的選前之夜,當天捕捉到一對父女開心地揮舞旗幟的瞬間,之後這張照片被法國媒體選上買下版權。

On the eve of the presidential election, a French media chose a picture of a father-daughter duo feverishly waving the campaign flag of the ruling Democratic Progressive Pary (DPP) in Taipei on Jan. 10, to illustrate their report. The picture was taken by Jimmy Beunardeau, a French photographer currently living in Taiwan.


In a Facebook post on Saturday, Beunardeau said that he likes the duo very much and would like to thank them and send them a copy of the report.


In addition, the photographer expressed hopes to meet with them with the help of the Internet and media, according to his post.

Hey my friends in Taïwan (especially in Taipei), let's play a game !Does soemeone know the two people in this…

Posted by Jimmy Beunardeau photographer on Saturday, January 18, 2020

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