產業擴大合作 台德化妝品清潔用品研討會

德國經濟辦事處(德經處)於2020年2月17日至21日籌組德國化妝品暨清潔用品商務代表團,安排五家德國知名化妝品企業訪台。代表團訪台行程為台德雙方創造新商務契機,不論是台灣企業尋找德國新品牌、供應商或合作夥伴,或者希望能進入德國與歐洲化妝品市場,都能藉由代表團參訪之機緣,促進雙方合作交流。 代表團行程始於2月18日假台北西華飯店所舉辦「台德化妝品暨清潔用品研討會」,由德國經濟辦事處主辦,台北市化粧品商業同業公會、臺灣化粧品工業同業公會、台灣清潔用品工業同業公會與德國化妝品、盥洗用品、香水及清潔劑協會協辦。 德國經濟辦事處首席代表暨處長林百科先生在開幕致詞中提到:「對於德國化妝品企業而言,台灣市場具極大潛力,2018年營業額達近40億歐元,自2013年以來年成長率為4.1%。肌膚護理產品發展能量豐沛,佔總營業額51%以上,其他產品包括彩色化妝品、香水以及香水。」 特別是當台灣消費者對天然成分且以環保方式生產的優質產品需求日益增長時,林百科處長認為「德國製造」的化妝品深具市場潛力。此外,他在講致詞中再度強調了雙邊合作重要性:「此次代表團參訪為串聯台灣與德國化妝品企業之絕佳合作,進而加強雙邊企業合作之絕佳機會。」 詳細資訊請見附檔。若有任何其他問題,歡迎隨時與我聯絡。 順頌 時祺 Dear media friends, The German Trade Office Taipei has organized a delegation trip of five renowned German cosmetics products companies to Taiwan between February 17 - 21, 2020. The delegation visit will create a platform for Taiwanese companies looking for new brands, suppliers or business partners from Germany and is intended to facilitate their entry into the German and European cosmetics market. The delegation visit began with the “German-Taiwanese Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Conference” today, hosted by the German Trade Office at the Sherwood Taipei, during which these five German companies exclusively showcased their products. The conference was supported by the Taipei Cosmetics Industry Association (TCIA), Taiwan Cosmetics Industry Association (TWCIA), the Taiwan Cleaning Product Association (TCPA), as well as the German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (IKW). “With a total turnover of almost four billion Euro in 2018 and average annual growth rates of 4.1% since 2013, Taiwan is an attractive market for German cosmetics brands. High potential is seen in skin care products, that were responsible for over 51% of the total turnover. Other products include color cosmetics, perfumes as well as fragrances” stated Axel Limberg, Chief Representative and Executive Director of the German Trade Office Taipei, in his opening speech. You may find all the information attached. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me anytime. Best regards, Christoph Lory