破紀錄!當日增10例武漢肺炎確診 皆為境外移入

<p>Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) holds a sign indicating all cases, imported and domestic, at a press conference on March 17, 2020.</p>

Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) holds a sign indicating all cases, imported and domestic, at a press conference on March 17, 2020.

【看英文中國郵報學英文】中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,今( 17 )日公布國內新增 10 例境外移入武漢肺炎確診個案。

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情中心) on Tuesday reported 10 new imported cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, bringing the total number in Taiwan to 77.

其中,案 68 至 70 及案 73 於 3 月 4 日至 13 日至土耳其旅遊,與案 56 、 57 及案 65 至 67 同團。

Cases 68 to 70 and Case 73 were part of the same tour group as Cases 56, 57 and Cases 65 to 67 who visited Turkey from March 4 to March 13.

其他 3 人發病日介於 3 月 7 日至 14 日,經就醫採檢通報,均於今日確診。

Three of the participants started showing symptoms between March 7 and March 14; they immediately sought medical help. Their infections were confirmed today.

該旅行團截至目前共 9 人確診,已掌握接觸者共 148 人,將持續針對其他團員及相關接觸者擴大追蹤與採檢。

As of today, 9 travelers in the tour group have all contracted COVID-19. Health authorities have so far tracked down 148 possible contacts; they are following up on all others.


Case 71 is a man in his 60s who was part of the tour group that went to Egypt from March 3 to March 12.

The man began showing symptoms of coughs, runny nose and an upset stomach on March 13 and was tested on March 15. His infection was confirmed today.

The tour group now has 3 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and authorities have tracked down 105 possible contacts.


Case 72, a woman in her 70s, is a family member of case 61.

Both had gone to Austria and the Czech Republic between March 5 to March 14 and began showing symptoms one day after their return. Case 72’s infection was confirmed today, making it the second confirmed case from the tour group.


Case 74 is a man in his 30s who went to Iceland with 7 friends between Feb. 25 to March 10.

He arrived in Taiwan on March 14 and began experiencing toothaches and fatigue. He sought medical help on March 15 and the infection was confirmed today.

As of now, 36 contacts have been tracked down and his friends have yet to show symptoms.


Case 75 is a student in his 20s, currently studying at a university in Southern Taiwan. He traveled to Germany between Feb. 23 and March 8.

On March 11, the man reported losing his sense of smell and sought medical help at a clinic on March 13. As his medical condition didn’t improve, he went to a hospital on March 16 and the infection was confirmed today.

Nine contacts have since been tracked down and authorities are looking into other potential contacts.


Case 76 is a woman in her 30s who traveled in France with two friends from March 1 to March 12. She experienced various symptoms from sore throats to runny nose and sought medical help on March 16.

Her infection was confirmed today and four contacts have since been tracked down. Her friends have yet to show symptoms but are still being monitored by health authorities.


Case 77 is a woman in her 60s and traveled to the Czech Republic through a connecting flight from Turkey on Jan. 20.

She then went on to visit family in the states on March 7 and returned home on March 16.

The woman had a sore throat and an upset stomach during her stay in New York and sought medical help at the local hospital.

Her infection was confirmed today.

Family members of case 77 have not shown symptoms related to contracting the virus, and authorities are still looking into all those on the same flight as the woman.

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