芝市11選區區議員候選人Ambria 在3101 S Morgan 設立競選辦公室

屬華埠芝加哥市11選區區議員後選人Ambria ,為便利即將來臨競選活動,已在選區3101 S Morgan 開設了我們的競選辦公室。Ambria 呼籲仍未提交選舉書的民眾,可以前來索取或查詢,也希望透過熱心人士幫助,讓這個辦公室變得更友好。


Ambria辦公室的盛大開幕派對己於昨日, 10 月 22 日週六举行,從下午 3 點起,至所有參加者離去為止。開幕派對備點心,飲料招待。

Ambria辦公室成立另目的在爭取足夠的選民在 2 月份參加投票。由於選民只能簽署一位候選人的支持背書,所以接下來幾個月最關鍵的時期!後選人Ambria呼籲區內選民支持。在接下來的幾個月裡,Ambria辦公室將在每週三、週六和周日舉辦拉票活動。

Ambria出身於草根階層,深暗“以人為本” 道理,在她競選活動網站,可以看到Ambria很積極參予社會各公益活動、及提供個人對勞工階層的看法,如即將在今年 11 月的投票中有關工人權利修正案,該修正案將保護伊利諾伊州憲法中的工會和工人權利等等,除此以外Ambria也投入對大眾設身影响的改善環境的環保活動。





The Ambria for Alderman campaign has opened our campaign office at 3101 S Morgan! Come say hi, sign a petition if you haven’t yet, come get some petition sheets and literature to take out on your block, and help us make this office friendly. We are looking for volunteers to help be an office greeter and donations in kind of office furniture and artwork. Our office grand opening/Ambria’s birthday party is THIS SATURDAY, October 22nd at 3 pm - going until we don’t feel like partying any more. We will have snacks, and when it gets to be a respectable hour, some adult beverages. Feel free to come in costume, especially any 11th Ward related costumes. Will we see you there?

Knock Knock! We’re coming to a doorstep near you!

It’s petition canvass season. We’re now in a race with our opponents to canvass enough voters to get on the ballot in February. And because voters can only sign one candidate’s petitions, this is our most critical period of the next few months! Can you join us on the doors? We’re hosting canvasses every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday for the next few months. You can RSVP for a canvass and view a list of our upcoming canvasses at www.ambriaforalderman.com/events.

We'll also be telling voters about the Workers Rights Amendment, on the ballot this November, which would protect Union and workers rights in the Illinois constitution.

Finally, we’re also looking for notaries to volunteer for shifts notarizing our petition sheets at the end of canvasses. It’s easy to become a notary and is a very important part of the campaign! Can you help us? Fill out this form to let us know if you are a notary or are interested in becoming one.

Early Voting and Election Day

Election day 2022 is coming soon, and early voting is underway. This is your reminder to make a plan to vote, whether that is by mail, early voting, or day of the election! We plan to canvass outside of voting locations on election day to collect signatures for Ambria and to remind neighbors to vote for the Workers’ Rights Amendment. We will have morning, afternoon, and evening shifts across the ward, will you join us for a few hours that day or help with logistics in advance or day of?

Election Day

Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC) Candidate Forum

Ambria spoke at a “get to know the candidates” forum where all candidates had a few minutes to introduce themselves, and could take questions from the crowd afterward. You can watch the full video here. Ambria spoke last out of the group, speaking to campaign priorities of infrastructure and public transportation, public safety, and environmental justice.

Halsted Clean Up

Ambria and campaign supporters recently worked together to clean up a stretch of Halsted, and got the job done within a few hours. We need more funding for streets and sanitation to upkeep our streets and put more trash cans along major streets and intersections to reduce litter and pollution. Our team is discussing which streets to hit next - let us know if you want to join!

Petition or Ambria information



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