【袪濕解毒】牛大力土茯苓化濕湯 Beautiful Millettia Root & Gla


製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 3-4人

牛大力 Beautiful millettia root 30克/g
土茯苓 Glabrous greenbrier rhizome 30克/g
赤小豆 Rice bean 15克/g
扁豆 White hyacinth bean 15克/g
陳皮 Tangerine peel 1角/ ⅓pc
蜜棗 Candied date 2粒/pcs
豬展 Pork shank 1個/pc
紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1個/pc

1 :

豬展汆水,洗淨備用 Blanch and rinse pork shank.
2 :

紅蘿蔔去皮切件 Cut the carrot into pieces.
3 :

陳皮浸軟去囊 Soak tangerine peel in water until tender and remove the pith.
4 :
其他材料洗淨浸水10分鐘 Soak all other ingredients in water for 10 minutes.
5 :

煲滾2.5公升水,下所有材料 Bring 2.5L water to a boil. Add all ingredients.
6 :

滾起後轉慢火煲1.5小時,酌量加鹽調味即成 After boiled, turn to low heat and boil for 1.5 hours. Season with salt.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53764
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com