
1030424雙語新聞 | 20140424 NER Bilingual News

1.    擋不住食材價格上漲,部分縣市國中小打算調漲營養午餐費,教育部表示,各縣市調整營養午餐費情況,教育部予以尊重,但希望縣市政府能督導午餐品質,必須符合契約與營養基準規範;如果午餐費用有調漲,教育部也會增加補助弱勢學生的營養午餐費用。
1.    Some junior high schools and elementary schools are planning to increase the prices on school lunch, reflecting the price increase on ingredient market. The Ministry of Education will not directly interfere with the adjustments on school lunch prices, but expects each local government to maintain the food quality while abiding by the nutrition standard regulation and agreement. If school lunch prices do actually rises, the Ministry of Education will also be providing financial aid to underprivileged students.

2.    維護懷孕學生受教權,教育部將修正《專科學校法》,新增專科學校學生懷孕、分娩或撫育3歲以下子女,可以延長修業年限,延長期限由各校自訂,並報教育部備查。相關修法如果在立法院三讀通過,最快今年8月新學年起實施。
2.    The Ministry of Education is going to revise the Junior College Law in order to protect pregnant students’ right to education. Duration of study extension will be possible for junior college students who are pregnant, giving birth, or raising children age 3 or below. The length of the study duration extension is to be determined by each school followed by the Ministry of Education’s review. The law revision will take effect in August the earliest given the Legislative Yuan passes the third reading of it.

3.    為了紀念薩克斯風發明人阿道夫‧薩克斯(Adolphe Sax) 200周年誕辰,以及2014年母親節,臺中市醫師音樂協會與文化局共同主辦「阿道夫‧薩克斯200年紀念音樂會」,這個星期天(27)下午兩點,在台中市政府四樓集會堂舉行,歡迎民眾闔家免費欣賞。
3.    In order to celebrate the 200th anniversary of saxophone inventor Adolphe Sax’s birth as well as the Mother’s Day, the Taichung Doctor’s Music Association and the Ministry of Culture are going to jointly hold a “200 Years of Adolphe Sax Memorial Concert” on this coming Sunday at 2 in the afternoon. The concert will take place at the assembly hall located on the fourth floor of Taichung City Government. Everyone is welcomed to attend the concert free of charge.

4.    疾病管制署公布今年第一例幼兒侵襲性肺炎鏈球菌感染症死亡個案,這名個案是1歲5個月的女童,沒有接種過肺炎鏈球菌疫苗,4月出現咳嗽、鼻炎、嘔吐、發燒等症狀,經就醫診斷為肺炎,因病情快速惡化,不幸死亡。疾病管制署提醒家裡如果有符合公費肺炎鏈球菌疫苗接種資格的幼童,要儘速完成接種。
4.    The first case of infant contracted with Invasive Pneumococcal Disease leading to death has been announced by the Center for Disease Control. The 17 months old girl was not vaccinated for pneumococcal disease and developed symptoms of coughing, rhinitis, vomiting, and fever in April and was then diagnosed with pneumococcal disease. The disease spreads quickly within her and led to her eventual death. The Center for Disease Control urges families to have their infants vaccinated as soon as possible if the infants are qualified for pneumococcal disease vaccination using public funds.

5.    中國大陸霾害問題嚴重,影響鄰近國家。環保署計畫從今年9月開始,派遣船隻在沿海進行空飄微粒採樣,再和大陸的樣本比對,釐清汙染物質,以落實源頭管制。環保署希望和日本、南韓等國家合作,共同監測,確定汙染物質的來源、成份,才能和大陸討論或提出要求。
5.    Haze hazard has been a serious problem in China and it has brought negative impact to nearby countries. The Environmental Protection Administration has planned to collect samples of air particles from Taiwan and China in September. Comparison will be made between the two air particles to identify the contaminated materials so that the hazard could be controlled from its source. The Environmental Protection Administration hopes to cooperate with Japan and South Korea on this effort so that further interaction with China can be made after the sources and ingredients of the contaminated materials are confirmed.

6.    隨著歐元區的經濟在經歷創紀錄的衰退後,終於度過難關,歐洲聯盟統計局(Eurostat)昨天(23)公布的數據也顯示,歐元區2013年的財政情況有所改善,政府赤字去年平均為3.0%,並沒有超過歐盟的上限,並且已經從2012年的3.7%下滑;不過,總體的債務水準依然在危險的高檔。
6.    The Eurozone has finally walked out of their economy record low. The average Eurozone budget deficit fell from 3.7% in 2012 to 3.0% in 2013, according to figures released by Eurostat Wednesday. However, overall debt is still a highly potential problem.

英語主播及編譯 – 李語堂(Kenny Lee) | Anchor & Translator – Kenny Lee

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