
Apple iOS 16: A look at the newest features included

Yahoo Finance tech editor Dan Howley details some of the newest features added through Apple's iOS 16 update.


- All right. A story that affects many of our viewers here, Apple releasing the latest version of its mobile operating system, iOS 16. Yahoo Finance's Dan Howley is here to tell us all about these hot new features. Dan, lots of updates here. Tell us everything we need to know.

DAN HOWLEY: Yeah. There's a number of updates. I think one of the biggest that you'll notice is, obviously, the idea that you're going to have the ability to edit and delete text messages. That's really the main thing that I think so many people are going to kind of glom onto. It's only available with other iOS 16 users, so if you delete something and someone has iOS 5-15--

- So you have no idea whether or not it actually deleted.

DAN HOWLEY: Yeah, exactly.

- That's a good [INAUDIBLE] right there.

DAN HOWLEY: It does tell you, actually.

- Oh, it does. OK.

DAN HOWLEY: I was doing it. I was messing around with my wife, and it'll actually show you this person isn't iOS 16. If they don't have iOS 16, they can still see it. So you know, don't be on your toes when you're sending stuff.

Outside of that, they have an improved health app, the ability to track medication. You have medication reminders now. You can also retract mail finally in the mail app, so if you send something-- I regularly do from my phone, and it's just riddled with grammatical errors. And as soon as I said it I'm like, I really wish I could just pull that back. You can finally do that as well.

And then obviously, they're doing this new security feature in the Safari browser itself, so if you use Chrome it's not the same. But it's a way to get rid of passwords, so you'll use something called pass keys instead.

And then the main feature I think is that new lock screen. You're going to be able to edit the lock screen now. With the iPhone 14 Pro, there's actually going to be an always on display. so you'll still be able to see the lock screen all the time, it's going to be like dimmer. So, it's pretty cool. But you'll be able to put photos in there, change the style of the time, then add widgets to it. So it'll make the lock screen a lot more productive.

I've been using it. I think it's a lot easier to be able to see things like your upcoming schedule, the weather, your rings on your Apple Watch if you have it and you're addicted to closing your rings like I am, unfortunately.

- I'm with you on that.

DAN HOWLEY: It's a lot of really good updates that I think people are going to enjoy.

- That makes sense. That's good prime real estate there on that page.

DAN HOWLEY: Oh yeah.