
Cairo exhibition tells stories from the Nile

STORY: This exhibition documents life on the banks of river Nile

Location: Cairo, Egypt

‘Everyday Nile’ showcases work by photographers, journalists and researchers

coming from different Nile basin countries

Everyday Nile artistic director, Roger Anis: “Through the 'Everyday Nile' initiative, we wanted to go further, we didn’t want just one person to document and show us the Nile, but rather journalists and photojournalists from different Nile basin countries to tell stories about the Nile and its tributaries, the challenges they face, the problems, solutions and initiatives.”

More than ten reporters and photojournalists worked on the project

which took three years to complete

Photojournalist, Tony Wild: “The project enabled us to become a voice of the Nile, to tell stories that need to be taken into consideration and used in making decisions. The project also broke the boundaries that we have; geographical boundaries, all of us come from different countries with different jurisdictions, different parts of the Nile. But when we did the Nile story, we are all members of the Nile.”