
工商時報【湯名潔】 第一次見面最好別說I want to know youuse、know、home、reason、inform…這些單字都很簡單,你絕對認得,然而一旦放入句子中,擴張成為一組組片語、句型、習慣用語,就是陷阱所在。以下五例,請看看該怎麼修正: Debug 1.We regret to inform that your application was rejected. 我們很抱歉通知你,你的申請被拒絕了。 2.It will take a few days for this new teacher to know all his students. 這位新老師需要幾天的時間去認識所有學生。 3.The media want to know the reason of that terrible explosion in the Pacific Ocean. 媒體想知道太平洋那起可怕爆炸事故的原因。 4.Tomorrow my husband is flying to home. 我先生明天搭機返家。 5.There is no use to complain about the weather here. 抱怨這裡的天氣沒有什麼意義。 Debugged 1.We regret to inform you that your application was rejected. inform表示「通知、告知、報告」時是及物動詞,後面先接人,再接that子句(或介系詞of/about+某事)。 2.It will take a few days for this new teacher to get to know all his students. know多指已有相當程度的熟悉,例:I know Bill very well; we have been friends ever since we were children.(我和Bill非常熟,孩提時期我們就是朋友了。)get to know則用在描述漸漸認識對方的過程,故本句應用get to know。 3.The media want to know the reason for that terrible explosion in the Pacific Ocean. 表示「做某事的原因」常用的片語是reason for (doing) something,reason後面是用for而非of。 4.Tomorrow my husband is flying home. 在go/come home、drive/fly/walk home等片語中,home是一個副詞,因此前面不可加介系詞to。 5.There is no use complaining about the weather here. There's no use (in) doing something是表示「沒有用處、沒有意義」常見的句型,另一說法是It's of no use to do something,前者用V-ing,後者用to+V,兩者易搞混。 世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile! 很多人都說,英文好薪水會加倍,可以換到外商工作、可以更輕鬆溝通……英文確實可以為你做很多很多事,但是,它能為你的人生帶來的最大祝福是:找回失去的自信、耐心、膽量……還有,花了二十年還在跟英文纏鬥的人。人生不要一輩子都在跟英文纏鬥吧,要嘛放棄它不要有罪惡感,要不就征服它帶來成就感,英文學習的最後一站,報名電話(臺北)02-27215033、(新竹)03-5782199,