
Genoa Opens New Bridge, Two Years After Deadly Collapse

A new bridge was inaugurated in Genoa, Italy, on August 3, two years after the previous one on the site collapsed, killing 43 people.

The new San Giorgio Bridge was designed by Renzo Piano, who was born in Genoa; it replaces the Morandi Bridge, which first opened in 1967.

Video footage posted by the Italian national fire service shows the national flag being draped over the new bridge, alongside the flag of Genoa, which is a Saint George’s Cross.

The names of those who died in the 2018 collapse were read out at the inauguration; however, some relatives were not happy about the ceremony.

“We won’t be at the inauguration, we don’t want the tragedy to be transformed into a carnival,” Egle Possetti, whose sister died along with her husband and their two children, told The Local. “You can have this sort of big party if you knock down the bridge because it’s old, you build a new one, and no one’s died.” Credit: Vigili del Fuoco via Storyful