iPhone16 來了!蘋果發表會9/10登場 17代iPhone大事紀一文看完

蘋果將在台灣時間9月10日凌晨1時舉辦發表會,如果沒有意外iPhone 16 也會如期登場,蘋果也會在官網全程直播,和全球果粉一樣第一時間開箱新機。近幾年台灣大多入列首波上市地區,今年應該也有機會和全球果粉一樣第一時間開箱新機,迎接新機之前,Yahoo一口氣幫你盤點17代歷年舊iPhone,看看每一年、每一支iPhone帶來哪些畫時代科技亮點,iPhone重新定義了手機,且持續改寫歷史。


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Steven Levy, a journalist from Newsweek magazine, holds the Apple iPhone, one of the two given to journalists in New York before it went on sale, as he is interviewed by television reporters outside the Apple store on New York's 5th Avenue June 29, 2007. Hundreds lined up on Friday outside the Apple store hours before the iPhone, a combination widescreen iPod, cellphone and pocket Internet device, went on sale at Apple's 164 stores and nearly 1,800 AT&T stores.   REUTERS/Mike Segar (UNITED STATES)


2008:iPhone 3G

NEW YORK - JULY 11:  The new Apple iPhone 3G is on display at the Apple Store, Fifth Avenue, in midtown Manhattan July 11, 2008 in New York City. Crowds of gadget lovers worldwide are purchasing the device following aggressive promotions. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
這一代的iPhone添加了3G的功能。圖片來源:Getty Images

首款內建App Store應用程式商店的iPhone,提供用戶在手機上安裝自己喜歡的應用程式,開啟往後手機App百花齊放的大門。

2009:iPhone 3GS

SAN FRANCISCO - JUNE 19:  An Apple Store customer plays with the new iPhone 3Gs June 19, 2009 in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of people lined up at the Apple Store in San Francisco to be the first to purchase Apple's new iPhone 3Gs which is faster than the previous iPhone 3G and has several new features.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
使用者手持iPhone 3GS。圖片來源:Getty Images


2010:iPhone 4

Apple chief executive Steve Jobs introduces the iPhone 4 during the keynote address at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7, 2010. Jobs showed off the next-generation iPhone that features the ability to shoot and edit high-definition quality video and a crisp higher-resolution screen.       AFP PHOTO/Ryan Anson (Photo credit should read Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)
iPhone 4對於許多果迷意義非凡,不僅是最漂亮的機型,也是賈伯斯發表的最後一支手機。圖片來源:Getty Images

首款搭載Retina顯示器,清晰的螢幕配上玻璃機身,改變弧形設計,成為方正簡約的機身設計,發表後驚豔全球,外界多將iPhone 4視為蘋果邁向巔峰的轉捩點。也是第一款配有前置鏡頭的iPhone,開始了FaceTime視訊通話的服務。

Apple's iPhone 4 shot in a studio on a reflective background, June 24, 2010. (Photo by Will Ireland/T3 Magazine/Future via Getty Images)
iPhone 4正面照。圖片來源:Getty Images

2011:iPhone 4s

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 14:  A man uses 'Siri' on the new iPhone 4S after being one of the first customers in the Apple store in Covent Garden on October 14, 2011 in London, England. The widely anticipated new mobile phone from Apple has seen customers queue in cities around the world for hours to be amongst the first to buy the device.    (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
iPhone 4s首度推出語音助理Siri。圖片來源:Getty Images

語音助理Siri登場,用戶可以聲控記事、詢問天氣等。發表會隔天賈伯斯病逝,部分果粉將iPhone 4s暱稱為「iPhone for Steve」以此紀念。

2012:iPhone 5

(EDITORS NOTE: This image has been digitally manipulated) A close-up of a man's hands using a white Apple iPhone 5 smartphone to view maps, taken on October 24, 2012. (Photo by Joseph Branston/Apple Bookazine via Getty Images)
iPhone 5首推Apple地圖。圖片來源:Getty Images

螢幕從3.5吋升級到4吋,連接器由30pin改為Lightning,帶動一波iPhone配件革新。內建的地圖,也從Google Maps改為蘋果自行開發的Apple Maps,展現蘋果開發的企圖心。

2013:iPhone 5s

Apple's new iPhone 5S is displayed at an Apple shop in Tokyo's Ginza shopping district, September 20, 2013. REUTERS/Yuya Shino (JAPAN - Tags: BUSINESS TELECOMS)
iPhone 5s是自第一代iPhone問世以來,iOS最大幅度更動。圖片來源:REUTERS

果粉們的心頭好——Touch ID自此誕生,不論解鎖、付費,指紋辨識大大提升使用便利。採用的全新iOS 7作業系統,從擬物風格改為扁平化設計,是自第一代iPhone問世以來,iOS最大幅度更動。同時也是首款配備 64 位元架構晶片的主流手機。當時,許多人認為 A7 晶片對於一般的手機功能來說過於強大。但此一創舉推動了整個行業的進步

2014:iPhone 6 Plus

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 9: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller announces new a color for the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus during a Special Event at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium September 9, 2015 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. unveiled latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the 6S and 6S Plus and announced an update to its Apple TV set-top box. (Photo by Stephen Lam/ Getty Images)
iPhone 6是迄今為止,蘋果最熱銷的手機款式,至少賣出2.4億台。圖片來源:Getty Editorial

首款為消費者提供兩種尺寸選擇的機型,捨棄傳統的 4 吋螢幕,轉而推出 4.7 吋和 5.5 吋兩種版本。iPhone 6和6 Plus據統計吸引了超過 2.4 億用戶,成為至今為止最暢銷的iPhone手機。

2015:iPhone 6s、6s Plus

2015年推出的iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus主要升級硬體規格,最大改變是首次搭載3D Touch壓力感觸功能,用力按壓螢幕可開啟快速選單或特定指令。相機除了升級到1200萬畫素、加入4K錄影功能,也新增類似動態圖片的Live Photo功能。

iPhone 6s 極佳的耐用程度也被網友評為新一代神機,堪稱多年都用不壞。圖片來源:REUTERS/Issei Kato
iPhone 6s 極佳的耐用程度也被網友評為新一代神機,堪稱多年都用不壞。圖片來源:REUTERS/Issei Kato

2016:iPhone 7

The Apple iPhone 7 and AirPods are displayed during an Apple media event in San Francisco, California, U.S. September 7, 2016. Reuters/Beck Diefenbach
iPhone 7 與首次發表的 AirPods。圖片來源:REUTERS

果粉敲碗許久的防潑、抗水與防塵功能,iPhone 7終於提供。傳聞已久的取消3.5mm耳機孔,也在發布會上證實,網友評價兩極。同天發表的第一代AirPods,因為造型奇特,加上Phone 7才剛取消耳機孔,起初埋單的人並不多;不過好產品經得起考驗,時間證明AirPods現在有多受喜愛,威力大到甚至在市場颳起一陣藍牙耳機旋風。

2017: iPhone X

A customer sets up Face ID on his new iPhone X at the Apple Store Union Square on November 3, 2017, in San Francisco, California.
Apple's flagship iPhone X hits stores around the world as the company predicts bumper sales despite the handset's eye-watering price tag, and celebrates a surge in profits. / AFP PHOTO / Elijah Nouvelage        (Photo credit should read ELIJAH NOUVELAGE/AFP via Getty Images)
iPhone X 採用Face ID,掀智慧型手機新頁。圖片來源:Getty Images

Home鍵掰掰,「瀏海」你好!蘋果大膽捨棄Touch ID,改用Face ID,掀開智慧型手機新頁。特殊的命名方式,一度引起網友們辯論,X是什麼?到底要怎麼念?答案是羅馬數字中的「10」,讀音「Ten」,你猜對了嗎?Plus不夠看?Max這不就來了嗎!iPhone螢幕尺寸再上層樓,6.5 吋的iPhone XS Max就是要給用戶最好的視覺體驗,一旁的iPhone XS頓時都小巧了起來。此外,這代iPhone首度支援雙SIM卡功能,中港澳的消費者可同時使用兩張nano-SIM卡,其他國家的消費者則能實體nano-SIM卡搭配虛擬eSIM。一顆鏡頭好,兩顆鏡頭棒,三顆鏡頭更Pro!iPhone 11 Pro和iPhone 11 Pro Max配備全新的超廣角、廣角與望遠相機,再加上「夜間」模式,還有那令人讚嘆的夜幕綠新色,趨近完美的規格,湧現不小的換機潮。

2018:iPhone XS Max

The new Apple iPhone Xs Max and iPhone X are seen on display at the Apple Store in Manhattan, New York, U.S., September 21, 2018.  REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
iPhone XS Max(右)展示於蘋果專賣店中。圖片來源:REUTERS

Plus不夠看?Max這不就來了嗎!iPhone螢幕尺寸再上層樓,6.5 吋的iPhone XS Max就是要給用戶最好的視覺體驗,一旁的iPhone XS頓時都小巧了起來。此外,這代iPhone首度支援雙SIM卡功能,中港澳的消費者可同時使用兩張nano-SIM卡,其他國家的消費者則能實體nano-SIM卡搭配虛擬eSIM。

2019:iPhone 11 Pro

CEO Tim Cook presents the new iPhone 11 Pro at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, U.S. September 10, 2019. REUTERS/Stephen Lam
iPhone 11 Pro配備了三個後置鏡頭。圖片來源:REUTERS

一顆鏡頭好,兩顆鏡頭棒,三顆鏡頭更Pro!iPhone 11 Pro和iPhone 11 Pro Max配備全新的超廣角、廣角與望遠相機,再加上「夜間」模式,還有那令人讚嘆的夜幕綠新色,趨近完美的規格,湧現不小的換機潮。

2020:iPhone 12系列

蘋果點點名,iPhone 12 mini、iPhone 12、iPhone 12 Pro、iPhone 12 Pro Max,四款機型站一排,不知激起多少果粉的選擇障礙症。這一代跟上科技趨勢、首次支援5G網路外;超瓷晶盾的全新設計,號稱是目前最耐摔的iPhone。與iPhone 4相似的外觀和手感,也讓網友不禁直呼「這才是iPhone」!

TOKYO, JAPAN - 2021/06/06: In this photo illustration, Apples iPhone 12 seen placed on a MacBook Pro. (Photo Illustration by Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
紫色iPhone 12 與MAac Book Pro。圖片來源: Getty Images

2021:iPhone 13系列

CORTE MADERA, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 27:  New iPhone 13s are displayed at an Apple store on January 27, 2022 in Corte Madera, California. Apple reported record first-quarter earnings with $123.9 billion in overall revenue and $34.6 billion in profit. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
iPhone 13 mini 128GB版本最便宜。圖片來源:Getty Images

首次加入電影模式拍攝,帶來更有氛圍的拍攝效果。鏡頭有大變動, iPhone 13從原本直式雙鏡頭改為斜角,Pro系列 支援微距和ProMotion 自動適應更新頻率,同時引進階影片編碼器ProRes,讓不少專業用戶相當驚豔。

2022:iPhone 14系列、iPhone SE 3 蘋果最平價5G手機

蘋果首款支援5G技術的iPhone SE,入手價售價最低只要13,900元。圖片來源:REUTERS/Mike Segar
蘋果首款支援5G技術的iPhone SE,入手價售價最低只要13,900元。圖片來源:REUTERS/Mike Segar

蘋果於3月8日春季新品發表會中發表第三代全新iPhone SE, 外型精巧配備A15仿生晶片、5G功能、更持久的電池續航力,以及全新的相機系統。iPhone SE有64GB、128GB和256GB三種配置,推出午夜色、星光色和 RED三種顏色,售價NT$13,900起,成為蘋果最平價的5G手機。

同年9月,蘋果則發表了iPhone 14系列,iPhone 14 Pro 和iPhone 14 Pro Max是首批擺脫瀏海螢幕採用動態島,還是首款具備「永遠顯示」功能,並帶來iPhone 史上第一個 4,800 萬像素相機和車禍偵測功能,還可利用衛星「SOS 緊急服務」。

2023iPhone 15系列

去年剛登場的iPhone 15系列,拿掉了不少蘋果祖傳功能,首先4款機型全面採用「動態島」螢幕,為了符合歐盟規定, Apple獨規的Lightning 被移除,全部使用 USB-C 連接器,不只如此,Pro系列還將原本靜音撥桿改為「動作按鈕」,除此之外,iPhone 15 Pro Max限定的「四重反射稜鏡」更是一大亮點,可支援 5 倍光學變焦、25 倍數位變焦。

iPhone 15 Pro 2023年9月12日亮相。圖片來源:REUTERS/Loren Elliott
iPhone 15 Pro 2023年9月12日亮相。圖片來源:REUTERS/Loren Elliott



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