
Megan Rapinoe | Tokyo 2020 Olympic Profile

Team USA Soccer winger Megan Rapinoe explains how the delay of the 2020 Olympics had a silver lining for the USWNT, and shares how the team is prepared to play in the humidity in Tokyo.



MEGAN RAPINOE: It's always so difficult when you win because all the amazing things come with it, obviously. And I think you know more than anything, just the exhaustion and-- from a mental perspective and a physical perspective, all of it is the hardest part. So, I mean for us, this was a nice little silver lining, obviously, of COVID and of the pandemic, just to have a year to rest, to get our bodies right and just to have that break.

So I think, yeah, everybody is feeling lucky for that. Every major championship has something. You know, '16, Waseca, and there was hot and humid games there. London, we were traveling all over the place.

This year, obviously, the heat, we're used to playing in that. Not that you can never, you know, sort of outpace heat and humidity. It's going to be difficult. But again, our sport staff does an incredible job of preparing us. And I think our mentality is just-- just get through it, just do it and get to the field where we can be our best and then focus on that.