
Nick Robertson looks like he belongs in the NHL

Nick Robertson's breakout two-goal performance against Dallas has Maple Leafs fans raving but the 21-year-old is also showing defensive grit and has struck up a good relationship with John Tavares and William Nylander.



- Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of "In the Mentions." I'm TicTacTOmar, and I don't know if you've been paying attention, or been watching, or noticing, but the age of Nick Robertson is here.

I mean, he's up with the team. He's contributing with the team. And I don't know about you, I don't think this is just a one-off stretch. I think he's going to be on the team for a while.

I mean, look at the celebration. Just look at the hype and the excitement. And it goes beyond, like, scoring the big goals, but just he looks like he belongs. He's making defensive plays. The synergy he has with Nylander and Tavares already looks great.

He's taking hits, which we all expected. But he's popping up right after them. He looks like an NHL player. And speaking of hits, that one hit that happened, happened not so long ago, that created this huge scrum, I don't want to call that a turning point of the season, but I have noticed a lot of Leafs fans saying how frustrating and annoying it is, or every time they get big hit happens, no one really does anything, there isn't really a big response.

But when Robertson got hit, everyone was in. Morgan Riley, like, flew in, had a fight there. John Tavares was mixing it up a little bit. TJ Brodie as well.

So can that be a-- gets a building piece off of that can maybe bring the team to kind of a new horizon? Again, things have been better for the most part, but I think it's pretty interesting to see that a lot of positivity is focusing around Nick Robertson right now. And who knows what's going to happen for the rest of the season.

Of course, you have to ask-- you also have to ask what's going to happen with Dennis Melgin, or [INAUDIBLE], or whatever. But no, that question doesn't matter right now, because right now it's the age of Nick Robertson. And for all he's done so far, he definitely deserves it.