Poll reveals split views on Taiwan’s nuclear-free policy

Poll reveals split views on Taiwan’s nuclear-free policy (TVBS News)
Poll reveals split views on Taiwan’s nuclear-free policy (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A new survey by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) found that 45.8% of respondents disapprove of the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) "nuclear-free homeland" policy, while 42.4% support it. This reflects a sharp division in Taiwanese opinions on this issue.

TPOF Chairman Michael You (游盈隆)highlighted that except for those over 65, a majority in each age group disapproves of the DPP's nuclear policy. The survey also revealed that attitudes vary with educational levels; more educated respondents tend to disapprove, whereas those with less education are likelier to approve.

You stated that while 70% of DPP supporters favor the policy, a significant portion, 22%, are opposed. In stark contrast, only 13% of Kuomintang (KMT) supporters and 24% of Taiwan People's Party (TPP) supporters favor the policy, with 78% and 73% respectively disapproving. Among neutral voters, 33% support the policy, and 44% do not.

Despite being a core value of the DPP, the "nuclear-free homeland" goal has not gained widespread acceptance. After eight years under Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), the numbers of supporters and detractors are nearly even, with the latter slightly in the majority.

The poll, which involved 1,070 adults nationwide, was conducted from June 11 to13, using a dual-frame random sampling method.The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points at a 95% confidence level and was funded by TPOF.

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