
<p>日本淡路農場公園英格蘭之丘於周二正式宣布這項金氏世界紀錄認可。| Awaji Farm Park England Hills, Japan, officially announced this Guinness World Records recognition on Tuesday. (Courtesy of @englandhill_zoo/Twitter)</p>

日本淡路農場公園英格蘭之丘於周二正式宣布這項金氏世界紀錄認可。| Awaji Farm Park England Hills, Japan, officially announced this Guinness World Records recognition on Tuesday. (Courtesy of @englandhill_zoo/Twitter)


A female koala living in a zoo in Hyogo Prefecture, West Japan, has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world’s oldest koala ever in captivity.

The animal is 24 years old, which is equivalent to a 100-year-old old human.


Awaji Farm Park England Hills, Japan, officially announced this Guinness World Records recognition on Tuesday.


According to the Mainichi Shimbun, the koala named Midori is currently in good health.


The average lifespan of a koala is 16 years, and before Midori, the oldest koala on record was in Australia, the facility said.


According to Guinness World Records, the koala died in 2001, when he was 23 years old.

Midori於1997年2月1日出生在澳洲,2003年澳洲政府將 Midori作為禮物,送到日本兵庫縣。

Midori was born in Australia on February 1, 1997. In 2003, the Australian government sent Midori as a gift to Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.

淡路農場負責人Kazuhiko Tahara表示: 「希望她能活得越久越好,我也非常感謝管照顧Midori的管理員們還有她的粉絲。」

Kazuhiko Tahara, head of the facility, said: “I hope she will live as long as possible. I am thankful for zookeepers in charge of Midori and her fans visiting the park.”

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