【遠見X浩爾】聊國旗也聊珍奶!John Oliver脫口秀幫腔台灣



本週的《英語溝通小學堂》,浩爾解析美國知名脫口秀《上週今夜秀》(Last Week Tonight)主持人John Oliver,以22分鐘介紹台灣的內容。截至台灣時間1日,該節目觀看次數已突破400萬。



Moving on. Our main story tonight concerns Taiwan. It’s honestly remarkable that we haven’t talked about Taiwan before on this show given it’s the birthplace of bubble tea, which is delicious, even though tapioca balls sounds like a sex move for people over 70, and especially since Taiwan shares our unhealthy obsession with mascots, cities there make tons of them.

John Oliver在節目一開始就表示,「台灣是珍珠奶茶的誕生地」。浩爾也表示運用介紹食物,是一個很好與觀眾拉近的方式,畢竟許多人都知道珍珠奶茶。而在台灣雖然珍珠奶茶多半會被認為是飲料,但在歐美國家的人傾向認為這是食物或甜點,主要是因為珍珠有充分的飽足感。

浩爾也解釋珍珠奶茶的英文除了「bubble tea」,又可以稱為「tapioca balls」(樹薯粉的球)。而ball又有男性生殖器官的意思,再加上樹薯粉的英文tapioca,是個很不英文的發音。John Oliver就說:「這聽起來很像70歲老人的性愛招式」,但這裡純粹想引起觀眾哄堂大笑。

緊接著,John Oliver提到台灣和美國都有的共通處,就是喜歡一些奇奇怪怪的吉祥物玩偶。而吉祥物的英文則是mascots。這裡他也用到share,表示共享、共有。浩爾也舉例說明,當你和其他人生日同一天時,不會說birthday on the same day,因為聽起來有些奇怪,所以會說share the same birthday。或是有共同興趣 share the same interest。

John Oliver在節目中表示台灣是珍珠奶茶的誕生地,取自pexels。
John Oliver在節目中表示台灣是珍珠奶茶的誕生地,取自pexels。

John Oliver在節目中表示台灣是珍珠奶茶的誕生地,取自pexels。

There’s this one, the milkfish kid, celebrating one area’s milkfish production. And there’s this one, from a region that produces bananas, which I do not want to talk about. In fact, Taiwan makes so many mascots that in some cities, the very act of storing them has become a problem.

John Oliver也列舉像是奇怪的吉祥物,有虱目魚寶寶、香蕉人等。浩爾也提到這裡其實是特別選外型荒謬的吉祥物,本身具有喜劇效果,也比較能夠戳中觀眾笑點。然而,這些吉祥物光是存放(storing)也開始出現問題。

John Oliver幽默說改名,讓大家知道誰欺負誰


So all of this brings us to where we are right now, with Taiwan established as a highly-developed and wealthy country. And yet, no one is allowed to call it one. And that brings us back to the huge, unresolved issue of Taiwanese sovereignty.

前面John Oliver介紹許多有關於台灣的歷史,接著他說道「where we are right now」我們來談談台灣的現況。並提到台灣已經建立好高度開發、富裕國家的定位。然而,「no one is allowed to call it one.」沒有人可以叫台灣是一個國家,因為台灣懸而未決的主權議題,這裡的「sovereignty」,指的是主權。

And anyone wanting to do business in China knows that calling Taiwan a country is a massive faux pas.

And it’s not just the gap and John Cena who’ve found that out. All of these companies have either had to apologize for, or walk back, even the smallest implication that Taiwan is a separate country.

John Oliver也開始解釋,任何想要在中國做生意的人,都知道將台灣稱作國家是個嚴重的失誤。浩爾補充「faux pas」是法文,但常常出現在英文中,意思是失誤,而GAP、MUJI、ZARA等跨國知名企業都曾經發生過類似的事情。

美國知名脫口秀《上週今夜秀》(Last Week Tonight)主持人John Oliver,取自 LastWeekTonight YouTube網頁youtube.com。
美國知名脫口秀《上週今夜秀》(Last Week Tonight)主持人John Oliver,取自 LastWeekTonight YouTube網頁youtube.com。

美國知名脫口秀《上週今夜秀》(Last Week Tonight)主持人John Oliver,取自 LastWeekTonight YouTube網頁youtube.com。

And you can see this caution everywhere. At this year’s Olympics, you probably saw Taiwanese athletes competing not under the Taiwanese flag, but under the fake pseudo-flag of “Chinese Taipei,” something they’ve been forced to use at every Olympics since the 1980s when they reached a compromise with the IOC that allowed them to participate without angering China.

But this arrangement isn’t something that all Taiwanese people appreciate. In fact, during the 2012 games, the lead singer of Taiwanese heavy-metal band chthonic pointed out how ludicrous it is.

Our team, our national team’s been called Chinese fucking Taipei. Fucking bullshit, right? “Oh, we can’t call you Taiwan, sorry. We have to call you Chinese fucking Taipei.”

幾乎可以看見類似事件層出不窮,John Oliver提到台灣的運動員參加奧運時,並不是拿著台灣國旗出賽,而是拿了一個假的旗幟「fake pseudo-flag」,叫做Chinese Taipei,從過去1980年代以來,被迫使用這面旗幟來參賽。

節目中,John Oliver引用2012年閃靈樂團主唱林昶佐在英國演唱會的片段,並提到使用「Chinese Taipei」是一件多麼滑稽的事情。這裡的「ludicrous」,有滑稽的、奇妙的意思。

I know I say this every week, but that death metal singer complaining about Olympic nomenclature has a point. Although, to be fair, if their official Olympics name really was “Chinese fucking Taipei,” that would at least be a little more accurate vis-a-vis who’s fucking whom.

And even huge international organizations like the W.H.O.. Are forced to play this ridiculous game, freezing out Taiwan from full participation. Last year, when one W.H.O. official was pressed on this point by a Hong Kong newscaster, it led to this very awkward interaction.

奧立佛也趁機補刀表示「若台灣真的使用『中華FUXKING台北』,至少能讓大家知道是誰在Fuxking誰。」浩爾也解釋,Fuxking有兩層意思。一種是罵別人,另種則是表達正面意涵,像是fuxking good.。這裡John Oliver巧妙地運用雙關,來達成第一種意思。

