「護身軍刀」澳洲直升機墜外海4人失蹤 13國聯合軍演暫停

澳洲官員29日表示,軍方一架直升機28日晚間參加美國與澳洲共同進行的「護身軍刀」(Talisman Sabre)聯合軍演時,迫降於東北岸外海,4名軍方機組人員目前仍失聯,官員宣布暫停美澳聯合軍演。

澳洲軍方一架MRH-90直升機28日晚間參加「護身軍刀」聯合軍演時,迫降於東北岸外海,4人失聯。TOWNSVILLE, AUSTRALIA - JULY 27:  An Australian helicopter crewman is seen standing by an MRH 90 at the Townsville airport as part of exercise 'Talisman Sabre 23' on July 27, 2023 in Townsville, Australia. The exercises were part of the broader Talisman Sabre group exercises involving Australia, The U.S., and its Asian partners. The training will include a series of combined arms activities integrating different teams, capabilities and technologies. (Photo by Ian Hitchcock/Getty Images)
澳洲軍方一架MRH-90直升機28日晚間參加「護身軍刀」聯合軍演時,迫降於東北岸外海,4人失聯。(資料照/Ian Hitchcock/Getty Images)

法新社報導,這架MRH-90太攀蛇(Taipan)直升機昨晚墜機,澳洲國防部長馬勒斯(Richard Marles)在事發近12小時後說,「在我們現在向各位說話之際,4名機組人員尚未尋獲」。


