
<p>▲口罩販售機。|Face masks vending machines in Taipei(示意圖/翻攝自 Yallvend 臉書|Courtesy of Facebook)</p>

▲口罩販售機。|Face masks vending machines in Taipei(示意圖/翻攝自 Yallvend 臉書|Courtesy of Facebook)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】2019 新型冠狀病毒( COVID-19 )爆發,由於疫情快速擴散,全球各地對於口罩、酒精等醫療物資的需求度大增。自4月11日起,中央與台北市政府共同推動「實名制口罩自動販售系統試辦計畫」。

Amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, the global demand for medical supplies has dramatically increased. To meet Taiwan residents’ needs, the central government, together with the Taipei City Government, has set up three face mask vending machines on April 11.


You just need your National Health Insurance Card as well as a payment card or a dedicated app to make a purchase since the machines will not accept cash.

3臺口罩販賣機均設在信義區健康服務中心,開放時間為平日上午8時30分至晚間6時30分 ; 假日為上午8時30分至中午12時。

The vending machines, which are located in Xinyi District’s Health Center near Taipei 101, are open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on weekdays and from 8:30 a.m. until noon on weekends.


Yet, the problem is that long lines and continuous purchases have taken their toll on the machines which reportedly crashed.

台北市長柯文哲坦承,目前有販售機 70 幾筆資料,沒有連線到健保局,換句話說這些民眾可以仍再持健保卡去別的地方買口罩。柯文哲也強調,已立即要求廠商修正,應該是要先和健保局連線,才可以買口罩。

Asked by local media, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je said that 70 orders weren’t properly recorded on the National Health Insurance (NHI) system. In other words, some NHI cardholders could purchase face masks at multiple locations.

The problem has already been reported to the machine manufacturer, Ko added.

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