慘!雅典野火燒光小鎮 1別墅驚見26人相擁亡

[新頭殼newtalk] 希臘雅典森林大火肆虐,至今已造成74人死亡,187多人受傷,度假小鎮馬蒂(Mati)附近1座靠海別墅更發現26具相擁在一起的遺體,最年幼者僅6個月大,令人鼻酸!馬蒂幾乎被大火燒個精光,居住在當地逃過一劫的居民驚恐表示,鎮上的場景,讓他們聯想到龐貝城的火山爆發。



森林大火造成的死傷數字不斷攀升,希臘政府宣布全國哀悼3天,部分地區進入緊急狀態,並請求歐盟協助滅火。目前已有義大利、德國、波蘭與法國都派出相關人員與車輛協助滅火,西班牙與塞浦路斯也早就伸出援手,而馬其頓總理Zoran Zaev則在推特宣布,將提供約10萬歐元的經費助希臘重建。


A house burns in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
A house burns in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
A firefighter sprays water on the fire in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Buildings burn in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Buildings burn in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
A man passes burned cars in Mati, east of Athens, Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Gale-fanned wildfires raged through holiday resorts near Greece's capital, killing at least 24 people by early Tuesday and injuring more than 100, including 11 in serious condition, in the country's deadliest fire season in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
A man passes burned cars in Mati, east of Athens, Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Gale-fanned wildfires raged through holiday resorts near Greece's capital, killing at least 24 people by early Tuesday and injuring more than 100, including 11 in serious condition, in the country's deadliest fire season in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)



希臘野火240死傷 別墅驚見26遺體
日本熱浪已釀80死 當局考慮延長暑假
大熱天 耶誕老人一身厚重集會丹麥
巴黎迎33度以上熱浪 啟動第3級警戒


弟殺兄之後 豪門家族連爆醜聞



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