美航飛機起飛後「撞鳥」起火 俄州緊急迫降

據哥倫比亞廣播公司報導,23日美國航空公司(American Airlines)的一架商用飛機在從俄亥俄州的約翰格倫國際機場(John Glenn Columbus International Airport)起飛後,由於發動機與鳥相撞起火而被迫折返。



Passengers on an American Airlines flight from Columbus, OH to PHX had a scary experience this morning. The plane rerouted back to Columbus Int’l Airport. There are no injuries.Airport & FAA officials say a bird strike caused an engine fire.Videos: Matt Danek & Stephen Dial pic.twitter.com/J8YkuHMmTv— Elenee Dao (@EleneeDao) April 23, 2023

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