24小時降下一個月雨量 雨彈襲蘇格蘭

蘇格蘭部分地區7日遭遇豪雨,24小時之內降下一個月的雨量,英國氣象局(Met Office)對蘇格蘭北部和東部部分地區發布橙色警報,情況會到8日下午才會解除。橙色警報意味情況恐「危及性命」。

A car left abandoned under a flooded railway bridge in Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, as Scotland and northern parts of England are forecast to suffer extreme rainfall and flooding, whilst southern parts of the UK are set to bask in a late blast of summer over the weekend. The Met Office issued an amber weather warning for much of Scotland, and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (Sepa) warned against perceiving the situation as
蘇格蘭遭受極端降雨,一輛汽車因洪水被遺棄在鐵路橋下。(Photo by Robert Perry/PA Images via Getty Images)



蘇格蘭鐵路公司(ScotRail) 發言人表示:「部分地區在24小時內已降下一個月的雨量,引發嚴重洪患。」
