30歲百萬網紅「抗癌媽媽」奮鬥8年卵巢癌逝 老公悲痛曝死訊

美國一名30歲網紅海莉(Haley Odlozil),自2015年被診斷出卵巢癌第3C期之後,在社群平台TikTok上分享抗癌經歷,擁有逾250萬名粉絲追蹤。誰料,其丈夫泰勒奧德洛齊爾 (Taylor Odlozil)近日在社群上公布海莉不敵病魔離世的消息,享年30歲。



It is with unbelievable sadness that I tell all of you my sweet Haley has passed away. I cannot begin to describe the amount of heart ache & grief myself & our entire family is experiencing. I never knew my heart could physically hurt. Ive never seen someone fight so hard to live. Her love for me, Weston, her family, & her friends is what has kept her going for so many years, especially the last 8 months. Im so blessed to have had Haley a part of my life for 16 years. It has been my true honor to take care of her. I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned from Haley. As the husband I have seen every moment. The happy ones & the sad ones. One thing I can tell you, she suffered greatly fighting this disease that slowly tore her body apart for the last 8 years. The thought of her being completely healed in a body with no pain & no scars in heaven makes me so incredibly happy for her but so overwhelmingly sad Im not there to see it. My fear of death is so much less knowing I will get to see her one day completely healed. I cannot wait for that day. Im so thankful I got to see Haley fulfill her life purpose of becoming a mom. She was an incredible mother. My heart breaks most for Weston. I dont think he will ever fully understand what he meant to Haley. He was everything to her. I love you Haley. More than I can put into words. You are a part of who I am and I will never stop loving you. I cant wait to see you again. Thank you to all our friends & family for so much support & prayers for so long. Because of who Haley is, her story has exploded across the world. Ive received emails & messages from people from just about every country. She has changed so many people & brought awareness to this terrible disease. Im so proud of that. She always said she didnt want her suffering to be wasted. Haley wanted people to learn from her. I would say she accomplished that! So due to the large following Haley has developed, I will not be sharing the funeral arrangements. Any friends & family that need the information please message me or any of my close friends. I have also decided I will not be posting on social media for a while. I need some time to process with my son.

♬ Gratitude - Brandon Lake



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