
Jim Harbaugh’s mass adoption offer, and Michigan’s QB battle | College Football Enquirer

Yahoo Sports’ Dan Wetzel and Sports Illustrated’s Pat Forde discuss Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh’s surprising comments about abortion, and debate whether Cade McNamara or J.J. McCarthy should win the starting QB job for 2022.


DAN WETZEL: All right, Michigan. Harbaugh was chatty this year. Sometimes he says nothing. Sometimes he says a lot. It seemed like he was way more chatty.

He said he would-- he took his pro-life stance and said he would adopt, raise any kid.

PAT FORDE: His players had that-- yeah, that they didn't feel like they could care for. That was--

DAN WETZEL: I certainly am not going to weigh into the abortion debate here, but I do believe that's an extra benefit violation. I think you have to say you'll do it for every kid on campus, right?

PAT FORDE: You're probably right.


Child rearing extra benefits.

DAN WETZEL: Extra benefit offer of child rearing for 18 years. Imagine the NCAA bureaucrat trying to pro-- Jim Harbaugh offered all recruits and players fatherhood. I mean, I-- so.


DAN WETZEL: --mentioning abortion on this broadcast because I'm trying not to.

PAT FORDE: Did he run that by his wife or not?

DAN WETZEL: Compliance. No.

PAT FORDE: He gets home and she's like, what did you say, Jim? We are not taking in more children.


Yeah, there's that also. We got a big house. Like, Jim, what? There's like, 10 kids in the house or something, like, what the hell am I going to do with this?

PAT FORDE: I mean, Jim's already on, like, his second wave of children, you know. It's his second marriage, second--

DAN WETZEL: He's a good dad, he's a good dad.

PAT FORDE: I guess so.


DAN WETZEL: It's like the opposite. It's like the opposite of the Jeremy Pruitt. His wife's committing the NCAA violations, allegedly. So this would kind of be-- actually, it might be along that line. I don't know.

That's a lot of diapers, man. A lot of diapers. I don't know what's going on, but that's a hell of an offer, a hell of an offer.

He can say, like, I'll be with you. I am behind you. And then just that. Like, I'll raise all your kids. Anyway, to football.


DAN WETZEL: I thought Michigan was a little, like, confident, and a little, like, enough with the, it was just a one year thing. That's what I took out of it.

PAT FORDE: Yeah. No, I mean, they-- I thought there was a definite confidence there and a feeling, like, we've established ourselves and we're not going backwards, which is always easier said than done. But you know, I think that they feel like now they've kind of gotten themselves on the footing they need to be on.

And you could tell that losing the Michigan State game obviously was something they kind of had to swallow, but you turn around and you pound Ohio State, you win the Big Ten, you go to the playoff. You can deal with that small bit of disappointment. But it's going to be very interesting to see how the quarterback thing plays out there.

DAN WETZEL: Sure is.

PAT FORDE: Harbaugh had a great quote where he said, it's going to be very hard to beat out Cade McNamara. It's also going to be very hard to beat out JJ McCarthy. So like, you know, somebody's going to get beaten out and how that goes over, we'll see.

DAN WETZEL: I expect JJ McCarthy to be the starter. If not from the start, at some point. I just think he's a more dynamic player. Now that said, I'm the guy that kept questioning the law firm of Stetson Bennett and was proven wrong. Cade McNamara is good, but JJ McCarthy gives you that extra pop. I'd rather have a ready JJ McCarthy going into the horseshoe the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

PAT FORDE: Yeah, I mean, I can certainly understand that. He's absolutely a better runner.

DAN WETZEL: He's got a bigger arm too.

PAT FORDE: Yeah, I mean, he may end up being-- he may just end up being the demonstrably better of the two. Boy, McNamara is a-- he's a very good leader. You know, he's going to give you all that leadership intangible stuff.

And I just think it's going to be tough to go into fall camp and then come out and say, yeah, Cade, you got us to the playoff, but you're out. This guy's in.

DAN WETZEL: Well, it's hard to make those choices. And that's-- but that's why you get $8 million or whatever.