KMT legislator aids family of fisherman stranded in China

KMT legislator aids family of fisherman stranded in China (TVBS News)
KMT legislator aids family of fisherman stranded in China (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang (KMT) Legislator Chen Yu-jen (陳玉珍) revealed on Wednesday (June 19) she has assisted the family of a fisherman with a military background, surnamed Hu, who is still stranded in China in completing the procedures for visiting the mainland and plans to take them to visit him over there this weekend.

Hu has been stranded in mainland China for over three months, causing great concern for his family.

According to Chen, the Feb. 14 incident where Hu and another fisher surnamed Wu,went astray during a fishing trip and were rescued by the China Coast Guard asthe primary reason for Hu's extended stay in mainland China.

Chinese authorities subsequently released Wu, but detained Hu, claiming that he "intentionally fabricated information about his occupation."

Chen has been actively aiding Hu's family, completing the necessary procedures for a visit to the mainland. The legislator plans to accompany the family on their visit over the weekend.

Hu's mother expressed her distress over her son's inability to return home. She added hopes for government intervention and negotiation with mainland authorities. She had previously written a letter to the Presidential Office pleading her case, but there has been no response so far.

The situation has taken a toll on Hu's family, they revealed. Hu's father, battling cancer, struggles to focus on his treatment, while Hu's daughter remains in the dark, unaware of why her father hasn't returned. The family continues to hope for a resolution that would bring Hu home.

The story of Hu and his family underlines the complexities and challenges that can arise from cross-strait relations, serving as a poignant reminder of the personal cost of geopolitical tensions.

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