
X(舊稱:推特)規則今(15)日上線讓各方人人自危,只要上傳內容官方就權利將拿來訓練自家 AI 系統,而有一名繪師似乎為了防止 AI 學習與轉載,就在自己的圖上加上了浮水印,沒想到居然因此掉粉 1000 人,而不少人看到圖後就笑翻表示:「這根本只是想曬貓吧!」

A letter X displays on a mobile phone over a blank black screen. The device is oversized and shown vertically. It's surrounded by a group of smartphone users, consisting of diverse men and women leveraging mobile apps and the internet. No specific manufacturer is represented, and icons are created by the illustrator from scratch. Vector isometric illustration appears over a muted background within a 9x16 vertically-oriented artboard. No artificial intelligence was used in the creation of this image.
示意圖(圖源:Getty Image

有接近 4.8 萬人追蹤的繪師 Max(@max801115)在昨日表示:「用了自己家的貓代替浮水印之後,結果失去了 1000 個追蹤者...」。


而 Max 很可能也只是單純在搞笑而已,其實他有說明完整且沒有浮水印的圖都放在另一個社群平台 Bluesky,若是想看的人可以移駕到那邊繼續追蹤他。