Tripwire Interactive 睽違 7 年的《殺戮空間》系列第三部續作《殺戮空間3》(Killing Floor 3),即將在 3 月 25 日正式推出。然而正式推出前,《殺戮空間3》卻進行了一次封閉測試,但評價慘烈遭到許多玩家批評,甚至有不少玩家直接表明體驗後就取消預購,很難相信開發商可以在這剩下的 1 個月中修正遊戲內的問題。
首先《殺戮空間3》將角色與直接系統綁定,不再像是過去一樣能自由選擇。甚至更直言要大家別買,提到測試中的槍枝射擊手感差的像是玩具沒重量、動作感像是《Apex英雄》、介面很糟糕、治療不再是無限、玩家能被復活、配音與台詞幽默對話全被砍...等,更指出這次遊戲中的敵人 Zeds 設計不如二代精緻,不論是外型或是動畫都很差,甚至在最佳化上面並不理想。
- Awful voice acting
- Movement feels like Apex
- Animations are janky
- Gunplay feels weak
- UI is awful
- healing is no longer unlimited
- people will can be revived off the ground like CoD
- Zeds don't feel like Zeds anymore
- characters are annoying
- loadouts SUCK— Hallowz_eve 🎃 (@006Mlg) February 24, 2025
Killing Floor 3s art design is abysmal. Every single Zed looks atrocious and it pains me to say that cause KF2s Zeds were masterpieces, as well as their event designs. How do we go from Awesome spider/Human hybrids to... Mouths with legs and shit animations for Crawlers?
— Glaceonics TTV (@Glaceonics) February 28, 2025
不少玩家都指出先是前年的《PAYDAY 3》,現在又輪到第二款知名的 PvE 合作射擊遊戲《殺戮空間3》,認為遊戲開發商根本不清楚粉絲們想要的是什麼,沒有經過多次測試與修改,趕在上市前隨便測試一下就想要推出:「《殺戮空間3》變成一款英雄射擊遊戲了」、「我現在有夠不爽,到底是哪個負責人認為這樣綁定角色是好主意的」、「還是好玩,但玩起來已經不像是《殺戮空間》」、「為什麼硬要拖到上市前才測試?這樣有時間修改嗎?」
I am incredibly beyond pissed that whoever is in fucking charge of #killingfloor3 decided to THINK that operators are a good idea. YOU'RE JUST KILLING THE PERSONALITY OF THE GAME FRANCHISE FOR FUCKS SAKE
— Wizardcorgi (@WizardCorgi) February 24, 2025
Look, Tripwire! I liked Killing Floor 3, and I think some people are exaggerating by saying the game is bad, which isn't true. But there are some things you could change, you know? Like the hero system and the lack of weight in the weapons—it doesn't feel like Killing Floor. pic.twitter.com/L8TFoE48RW
— Runner (@sc_runner) February 27, 2025