德國聖誕市集汽車衝撞釀2死60傷 警逮醫生涉犯案


德國東部馬德堡巿聖誕市集,20日晚間發生汽車高速衝撞人群,釀成多人死傷慘劇,法醫在現場調查。TOPSHOT - Forensics police inspect the car that rammed into a crowd at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, eastern Germany, on December 21, 2024. German police arrested a Saudi Arabian man after a deadly car-ramming attack on a Christmas market December 20, 2024 in which an SUV barrelled through a crowd of revellers at high speed, leaving a trail of bloody carnage. At least two people were killed, one of them a young child, and 68 injured, said authorities in the city of Magdeburg, located about 130 kilometres (80 miles) southwest of Berlin. Families were crowded at the market set up around a large Christmas tree in the centre of Magdeburg when a BMW barrelled towards them around 7 pm (1800 GMT). (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP) (Photo by JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)
德國東部馬德堡巿聖誕市集,20日晚間發生汽車高速衝撞人群,釀成多人死傷慘劇,法醫在現場調查。(圖/JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)

薩克森-安哈特邦(Sachsen-Anhalt)邦總理哈舍羅夫(Reiner Haseloff)表示,「我們已經逮捕行凶者,他是一名來自沙烏地阿拉伯的男子,是一名自2006年起住在德國的醫師。」他稱這場攻擊對馬德堡市與全國來說都是一場「災難」。「根據我們目前所知的資訊,他是單獨犯案,因此我們不認為會有任何進一步的危險。」





德國東部馬德堡市聖誕市場,20日晚間發生汽車衝撞人群死亡慘劇,警方到調查,安全部隊成員在入口處站崗。TOPSHOT - Security forces members stand guard at the entrance of a Christmas market where a car crashed into a crowd injuring more than 60 people on early December 21, 2024 in Magdeburg, eastern Germany. At least one person was killed and 68 injured December 20, 2024 in a suspected attack on a Christmas market in the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg, local authorities said. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP) (Photo by JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)
德國東部馬德堡市聖誕市場,20日晚間發生汽車衝撞人群死亡慘劇,警方到調查,安全部隊成員在入口處站崗。(圖/JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)

《世界報》(Die Welt)報導,在車子的乘客座椅上發現一件行李,「不清楚裡面是否有爆裂物」,又說「有關當局尚未排除這個情況」。


馬德堡市政府目前成立一個危機小組因應此案,警方也設立公民熱線,讓民眾可以上傳圖片和影片等資訊的網站。馬德堡市長鮑里斯(Simone Borris)宣布,21日晚上7時在馬德堡大教堂舉行聯合追思活動。

德國總理蕭茲(Olaf Scholz)於社群媒體X發文說:「來自馬德堡的消息引發最深的擔憂。」「我們的心與罹難者和他們的家人同在。我們與他們和馬德堡民眾站在一起。我要感謝在這些焦慮時刻盡心盡責的救援人員。」

德國總統史坦麥爾(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)在X上表示,「來自馬德堡的報導,打斷了對和平聖誕節的期待」。
