洛杉磯野火加州史上最慘 拜登取消羅馬行程 協調政府因應



拜登在白宮召集高層官員舉行特別會議時說:「這是加州史上影響最廣泛、破壞力最強的火災。」洛杉磯人民「 正經歷著一場噩夢」,並稱讚衝進火場滅火的消防員是「英雄」。


TOPSHOT - In this aerial view taken from a helicopter, homes burned from the Palisade fire smolder near the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California on January 9, 2025. Massive wildfires that engulfed whole neighborhoods and displaced thousands in Los Angeles remained totally uncontained January 9, 2025, authorities said, as US National Guard soldiers readied to hit the streets to help quell disorder. Swaths of the United States' second-largest city lay in ruins, with smoke blanketing the sky and an acrid smell pervading almost every building. (Photo by JOSH EDELSON / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)
(圖/Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)

他說,應加州民主黨籍州長紐松(Gavin Newsom)的請求,聯邦政府將負擔前180天處理災難的全部費用。


LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 9: People look at houses burned by the Palisades Fire on January 9, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Multiple wildfires fueled by intense Santa Ana Winds are burning across Los Angeles County. At least five people have been killed, and over 25,000 acres have burned. Over 2,000 structures have also burned and almost 180,000 people are under orders to evacuate.  (Photo by Apu Gomes/Getty Images)
(圖/Photo by Apu Gomes/Getty Images)





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